, UNAIR Alumni Innovation for Web-Based Dental Clinics is a web-based platform with an integrated management system developed by Akhmad Farkhan Azmi, alumni of Universitas Airlangga Faculty of Dental Medicine (FKG). The program serves to help dental practitioners, especially doctors, in managing their clinics.

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Bringing a Fresh Air, Angga Encourages BEM Faculty of Nursing to be Different

In the world of organization, sometimes the work programs make students feel bored, especially the organizers. Angga Kresna Pranata as Head Executive Board Faculty of Nursing Student (BEM FKp) in the period 2019-2020 made a different thing.

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Psychology Student Wins East Java 2019 Gemarikan Ambassador Election

Being a final year student is not an obstacle for Khansa Nabilah Noorshy or Khansa to make non-academic achievement. The eighth semester student of Universitas Airlangga Faculty of Psychology (FPsi) has succeeded in winning 1st place in Women's Competition of Eating Fish Ambassador of East Java Province.

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UNAIR Learning Innovation Center Holds Workshop on Millennial Teaching Material Development

Center for Learning Innovation and Certification (PIPS) Universitas Airlangga held a workshop entitled Workshop on Preparation and Development of Teaching Material in Millennial Era, in Kahuripan Room 301, 3rd floor, Management Office, UNAIR.

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