UNAIR and TNI AL Create Sinergy to Improve Education, Research and Community Service

Universitas Airlangga and Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) Navy (AL) agreed on a number of cooperation related to education improvement. The agreement was marked by the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding at Surabaya Naval Technology College (STTAL) on Wednesday, March 20, 2019.

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Drug Abuse Education in Aesculap Inspire to Run (AIRUN) 2019

Dean of Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Airlangga held another running event, namely AIRun: Aesculap Inspire to Run on Sunday, March 17, 2019. Unlike the previous year, this time, the event was organized with new nuances that were expected to be sustainable for the following years.

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Center for Learning Innovation and Certification Gives Training on Coding

Universitas Airlangga Center for Learning Innovation and Certification (PIPS-UNAIR) held an Android-Based Coding Certified Training on Saturday, March 13, 2019 with two sessions at Kahuripan Hall 300, 2nd floor Campus C. The training was conducted in seven sessions, both online and face to face.

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