UNAIR Veterinary Paramedic D3 Program holds webinar to gain insights on the ins and outs of the poultry world

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Webinar Goes to Farm (GTF) From Home by Veterinary Paramedic Student Association UNAIR. (Photo: SS Zoom)

UNAIR NEWS – UNAIR Veterinary Paramedic D3 (Three-year vocational) program students held Goes to Farm (GTF) From Home webinar on Saturday morning, July 10, 2021. The theme of the event was Knowing The Quality of Chickens Through Management of Farms and Chicken.

Attended by 57 participants, this webinar invited two speakers with competence and experience in the poultry world, Vando Dariksa from Technical PT Malindo Feedmil and Nur Kusuma Dewi from Quality Assurance East Area PT Ciomas Adisatwa. This activity was also opened by remarks from the Dean of the Faculty of Vocational Studies UNAIR, Prof. Dr. Anwar Ma’aruf.

Vando, a veterinarian, presented material on broiler rearing management. It explores several ways to raise broilers, such as the feeding phase and what type of feed with a high protein level suitable and healthy for broilers. As the next speaker, Nur Kusuma Dewi presented the technique and method of a chicken slaughterhouse (RPA) to produce chicken pieces that meet ASUH standards.

“ASUH standards are safe, healthy, whole, and halal. This standard is set by the government and must be met by RPAs in Indonesia,” she said.

In a separate interview with the editorial team, the chief executive of GTF From Home 2021, Thabhita Andjadhini Rahtama, explained the essence of holding this activity: learning and offering insight to UNAIR veterinary paramedic students.

“Our program is synonymous with the world of practice, but it is still a pandemic, so it’s impossible to do it offline. However, it should not reduce our enthusiasm for learning, and this webinar is expected to give us insights needed for independent internships, street vendors, or even professional world,” said the class of 2019 student.

Author: Pradnya Wicaksana

Editor: Nuri Hermawan

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