UNAIR students win a bronze medal for their breast cancer screening products

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A breast cancer screening product created by the Faculty of Nursing UNAIR team, which won a Bronze Medal in the IPITEx International Innovation Competition. (Personal Doc.)

UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga students have made another brilliant international achievement. This time, five UNAIR Faculty of Nursing (FKp) students won a bronze medal in the 2021 Bangkok International Intellectual Property Innovation Competition, Invention, Innovation and Technology Exposition (IPITEx).

The five FKp UNAIR students are Nurul Khosnul Qotimah, Ismatulloh Jihan Alim, Rio Arya Puta M., Sarah Rani Sutedjo, and Bellinda Anisa. The team was supervised by Yulis Setiya Dewi, S.Kep., Ns., M.Ng. as a lecturer at the Faculty of Nursing UNAIR.

IPITEx is an international innovation competition organized by The National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT). The competition was attended by 20 countries, including Canada, Hong Kong, China, Indonesia, Iran, South Korea, Lebanon, Yemen and Russia.

Team leader Nurul Khosnul Qotimah on Monday, May 10, 2021, said that her team called the Banapeel team, was the only delegation from Universitas Airlangga, having competed with more than 100 teams.

The Faculty of Nursing student from Class of 2017, Nurul, explained that making Banapeel products began with the problem of banana peel waste accumulated in Nurul’s home, which was eventually allowed to rot. After seeing this problem, Nurul then proposed an idea to make a product from processed banana peels.

“Banapeel is used as a product to make it easier for women to screen for breast cancer through BSE (Breast Self Examination) and also as a means of dealing with breast pain in menstruating and breastfeeding women,” she explained. Breast Self Examination is an initial screening for breast cancer that can be done independently.

Faculty of Nursing UNAIR team that succeeded in making breast cancer screening product “Banapeel”. (Personal Doc.)

The IPITEx competition started with an abstract selection. After being announced for passing the abstract selection, the team made a video presentation of the product, starting from its manufacture, its benefits, to how to use it.

“Apart from making videos, the qualifying teams are also required to make posters, full papers, product photos, and product logos,” she added.

The division of tasks among members is carried out equally and based on their abilities. Some are in charge of creating content and editing, translating, drafting and writing, and preparing the necessities.

“We help each other and remind each other because, to be honest, our preparations were very short, so everyone works together and relies on teamwork greatly. Thank God, after a long struggle, our team won the bronze medal, ” she concluded. (*)

Author: Sandi Prabowo

Editor : Binti Q. Masruroh

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