Analysis of work climate, physical workload, and job stressors with increased blood pressure in construction workers in Pamekasan

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Construction workers who work in or run an outdoor working environment will be exposed to excessive heat stress. It will affect the physical workload and stimulate job stressors for individual workers. One of the impacts that occur is changes in physiological responses, such as an increase in blood pressure, and will have an impact on occupational diseases.

The research method is a descriptive observational study with a cross-sectional design and analyzed using the test Contingency Coefficient to describe the relationship between variables. The research subjects were 19 respondents who worked on construction projects in Pamekasan who were drawn from the population that matched the specified criteria (total population). The data collection was carried out in March 2019. The independent variables for this study are the work climate, physical workload, and job stressors. The dependent variable in this study is an increase in blood pressure in workers.

The results of this study indicate that the measurement of ISBB (Wetball Temperature Index) shows the highest results, namely in Room 1 (one), which is 28.8oC, and the lowest is in Room 6 (six), which is 28.2oC and the majority of respondents are obtained. Those who are exposed to a work climate that exceeds TLV and the relationship between work climate and increased blood pressure have a value Contingency Coefficient of 0.314. The relationship between physical workload and increased blood pressure results in a Contingency Coefficient value of 0.463. Besides, the relationship between job stressors and increased blood pressure has a value Contingency Coefficient of 0.093.

This study concludes the relationship between work climate and increased blood pressure has moderate strength, and the relationship between job stressors and increased blood pressure has fragile relationship strength.

Construction project companies need to conduct health advocacy to conduct health checks, especially blood pressure checks for at least one month for workers, to install health promotion media about increased blood pressure and the dangers of working climate. Workers are encouraged to work under a specific time.

Author: Dzul Fahmi A, Noeroel Widajati Detailed


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