Psychology UNAIR holds Peer Counselor Training for Adolescents

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Herdina Indrijati, M.Psi., Psychologist., during training, August 30 through zoom meeting application. (Photo: Ulfah Mu'amarotul)

UNAIR NEWS – Bullying is still rife in Indonesia’s school. Ironically, cases of bullying against adolescents are increasingly being found.

The rise of bullying that causes depression in adolescents can lead to various cases such as mental disorders and even suicide. Therefore,they need the right person to help  their problems.

In response to this, the community service team of the Faculty of Psychology Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR), chaired by Herdina Indrijati, M.Psi., A psychologist., Held peer counselor training through the application zoom meeting with SMAN 1 Tanggul Jember. The activity which lasted for two days Friday, August 29-30, received great enthusiasm from 25 students representing the class and student council of SMAN 1 Tanggul.

This activity aims to train teenagers to have skills to become counselors for their peers. Thus, it can help the prevention and curation of bullying among adolescents. In the world of adolescence, peer counselors can be  effective in helping other adolescents to help their problems.

“Yesterday it was about strengthening knowledge, and then today it was more about strengthening skills. We designed this activity with light and fun. And today, we will learn about how to be a peer counselor, “said Herdina.

On the first day, participants were given basic knowledge regarding bullying and its legal consequences. Meanwhile, on the second day, participants were given direct training to become peer counselors by providing basic counselling materials along with practical activities and reflections with experts.

In delivering her material on the second day, Herdina explained the six basic points of counselling: communication; listening effectively; empathy; giving feedback; building trust, and maintaining ethics as a counselor.

“This counselling can not only be applied to bullying cases, but it can be for other cases,” she said.

In both verbal and non-verbal communication, counselor need to deliver the material in easy way. At the same time, they must be able to position himself as a good listener. Besides, understanding feelings are essential to identify the other person’s feelings.

“Staring attentively and focused during counselling is very necessary,” she said.

Herdina also said that every relationship between people requires empathy. Empathy is an important key when the counselor is in contact with people.

“The empathy from them will create bound with people. Don’t fall for sympathy, but empathy, “she said.

Furthermore, counselor need to give their feedback to the participants. When giving feedback, they must understand the problem and information. Thus, they can give alternative solutions and not subjective.

Besides, building trust and maintaining ethics as a counselor are also essential points that must be considered. One of them, by keeping secrets and trust from the counselor.

“With practicing, communicating, listening, then you will hone your skills. Over time you will become observant and neutral. Thus, you can see a much broader problem,” Herdina during the event.

Author: Ulfah Mu’amarotul Hikmah

Editor: Binti Q Masruroh

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