D3 dental engineering holds dental waxing webinar

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UNAIR NEWS – Dental anatomy is one of the basic materials that must be mastered in D3 Study Program Dental Health Engineering (TKG) Faculty of Vocational Studies (FV) UNAIR. In order to deepen students’ knowledge in this field, Hima D3 TGK held a webinar entitled ‘Dental Anatomy as the Basic of Dental Waxing’. The activity was held online on Saturday, August 29.

In the webinar, Alvin Tjiptarahardja, drg., Sp. Pros., attended as the speaker. The alumnus of Faculty of Dental Medicine, UNAIR, shared his experiences related to techniques for dental waxing wax or teeth.

According to Alvin, there are at least four things that are important points in doing dental anatomy before twisting. First, he said, drawing teeth outlines. Next, draw an incisal line on the tooth.

“Students need to pay attention to the details because it will affect the results, “explained Alvin.

If these two things have been done, the next step is to draw lines at the corners of the teeth. Finally, he continued, adding texture to the tooth surface.

Alvin also explained the knife role in this matter is also very important. According to him, a knife that can do a more detailed job will give better and more accurate results. He often even orders knives personally according to his needs.

However, said Alvin, the manufacture of dentures is not always perfect. “The most important thing is to try your best and let the results be natural, ”he said.

Zyazya Hafidhah Aimi, as the head of the committee, revealed that the activity was aimed at introducing dental waxing to students, especially new D3 TKG students. In total, nearly 200 participants from various backgrounds attended the webinar.

Meanwhile, in order to improve students’ English skills, the seminar was held in English. “This is to hone English skills. Because most of the dental engineering professions, especially in dental laboratories, especially outside Java, mostly communicate in English, “she said.

Zyazya hopes that the participants will gain new knowledge by participating in the webinar. “We all know that we want to be not only good, but also extraordinary as dental practitioners,” she concluded. (*)

Author: Erika Eight Novanty

Editor: Feri Fenoria

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