Community service story in Kangean, children invited to learn foreign language

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UNAIR NEWS – “Education is the right of every citizen, therefore providing access must be in line with demands that have been heralded by the government. The government must not turn a blind eye to disadvantaged children. In this case, the provision of online learning media must be facilitated accordingly, “said Eko Wahyudi on Sunday, July 26, 2020.

The fact that education facilities in this country are still inadequate is actually undeniable. It can be found in some remote areas. Moreover, during the pandemic that forced all activities to be carried out from home and online, many people found it difficult.

Responding to this, 62nd Community Service Program Learning with Community (KKN-BBM) Group 306 held a service in Angon-Angon Village, Arjasa Sub-district, and Giring Village, Manding Sub-district, Sumenep Regency, from July 8 to July 25, 2020.

According to Eko Wahyudi as the group leader, the two villages were chosen because of the potential and high motivation of their citizens to demand higher education, apart from inadequate facilities. On the other hand, Wahyu is concerned about the introduction of foreign languages which are arguably too late.

“The children here are introduced to English when they enter junior high, it is clearly too late. In addition, educational facilities on Kangean Island are still one step behind educational facilities in regencies and large cities such as Surabaya,” he explained.

Like English subject that has not been taught since elementary school (SD),the absence of English tutoring institutions also becomes an obstacle for exploring the child’s linguistic potential.

It is in line with the standard of living costs in Kangean Islands community and one reason parents are not willing to find private tutors for their children to learn English.

Therefore, UNAIR 62nd KKN BBM team held an English Course (KUBIS) program for Elementary School students in one of the villages on Kangean Island, the Angon-Angon Village. The program is intended to increase children’s interest in English language learning and is expected to help children understand the basics of English language learning.

Furthermore, students consult with parents about how to help children learn English at home by using books and online learning media.

“Educational activities are not an inexpensive activity, especially if it is associated with ‘quality’. In the economic situation of people who are in crisis due to Covid-19 pandemic coupled with the cost of living that is flexible, then funding for education is very difficult, especially if you have to incur additional costs for tutoring, “Wahyu explained.

Wahyu hoped that UNAIR Community Service Program can continue to be agents of change that encourage improvement in the quality of life of the community, and encourage the potential for community welfare. Students can provide ideas and spill knowledge possessed and obtained in college for the community.

“Hopefully the education system in the future will be better and friendlier especially with poor people. Education must be cheap and accessible to all levels of society, especially during crises and pandemics, “he concluded. (*)

Author: Muhammad Wildan Suyuti

Editor: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i

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