Javanese turmeric extract for hepatitis treatment

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Illustrated by SehatQ

Hepatitis is an inflammatory disease that occurs in the liver, and it can be caused by an infectious cause such as the hepatitis virus or a non-infectious cause. The most common cause of non-infectious hepatitis is due to drugs and alcohol. Besides, it can also cause damage or degeneration of liver cells and fat deposits in the liver cells called steatosis. Hepatitis often referred to Jaundice, a yellowing of the skin and the whites of eyes when the body does not process bilirubin properly. The symptoms are generally nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and loss of appetite. Hepatitis that suffered in the long term is called chronic hepatitis, which can continue to damage the liver permanently.

Javanese turmeric (Curcuma xanthorrhiza) is a plant that is commonly found in Indonesia. Curcuma plants have rhizome roots. A rhizome is part of the ginger stem that is embedded in the soil. The extract from the ginger rhizome contains the active ingredient curcuminoid. Curcuminoid is a yellow coloring agent in ginger and turmeric. Temulawak rhizome extract is often used as traditional medicine for hepatitis.

Agnes, Willy, and Nurina tried on a group of mice that were given alcoholic drinks to help mice suffer hepatitis. It indicates liver cell damage and inflammation of the liver tissue. Some of the mice were given curcuma rhizome extract, while in the other group of mice were not given the extract. In the group of mice given ginger rhizome extract, it was seen that the number of hepatocyte cells that suffered damage/degeneration decreased compared to mice without ginger rhizome extract. The rhizome extract also reduced the number of lymphocyte inflammation cells in the liver tissue.

From this study, it can be concluded that rhizome extract can improve liver cells damage by alcoholic beverages and reduce the degree of inflammation in liver tissue that has hepatitis.

Author: Willy Sandhika Lecturer at Faculty of Medicine, University Airlangga

Effect of Javanese Turmeric (Curcuma xanthorrhiza) Extract on Hepatitis Model of Alcohol-Induced Mice. Telah dipublikasikan pada: Jurnal Kedokteran Brawijaya, Vol.31, No.1, Februari 2020.

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