New Normal, UNAIR sociology expert: social conflicts can potentially occur in society

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UNAIR NEWS – The term of New Normal implementation has become a topic of discussion in the nation. The new policy draws people’s attention, especially for social sciences experts. According to Novri Susan, Ph.D Professor of Sociology Faculty of Humanities UNAIR during webinar “New Normal and potential social conflict in Indonesia” on June 10 asserted that social conflicts could potentially occur.

Novri stated that current pandemic conditions provide such significant socio-economic influence. In addition, various parties must adapt from productivity to consumption and design a mature defensive plan.

“Pandemic Covid-19 is a global phenomenon, a case that anyone can not control. It is different from politics case, “said the lecturer.

According to him, the case that appears is not created by modernism or development. The political variables are related to the Covid-19 handling policy concept.

This pandemic is globally present and has consequences for society. Its sociological consequences hit the socio-economic capacity of the community on all layers with different levels of consequences.



“A total of two million workers are fired, some the worker gets no salary, and some of them gets half of their salary. There is less socio-economic process capacity, such as dues, will surely hit self-esteem, dignity, and so on, “he said.

Furthermore, the trade and tourism industry sectors also affected by this current pandemic. About 17 million tourism workers have decreased to 70 percent of socio-economic capacity.

This current phenomenon is not only happening in Indonesia but also affects the global community. Another example is resource sector, there was a lack of health equipment at the beginning of the pandemic.

“Declining productivity resulted in a lack of production results. Thus, it certainly affects the economic strength of the community and the industry, ” he added.

Novri said that sociologists could contribute to the development of food and economic security through the village. It can be a new variable to alter the sovereignty of the village manifested into the context of the state.

Pandemic also has a new norm-based health protocol, but it’s not that simple. Health Protocol’s recommendation needs a massive internal adaptation, “he explained.

“From our research data, the implementation of the health protocol has reached 70 percent, while the other 30 percent will still be eliminated because it also takes time to inspire people awareness,” he added.

“There will be a government and public dialectics to create new changes and agreements,” Novri said.

Given the current conditions, the community must also maintain socio-economic stability together. One example following the government’s recommendation, the goal is social conflict could be avoided. (*)

Author: Muhammad Wildan Suyuti

Editor: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i

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