UNAIR wins 1st place at National Round Philip C. Jessup International Moot Court Competition

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UNAIR NEWS – Academics of Universitas Airlangga have once again made a great achievement at international level. This time, the UNAIR Faculty of Law team won first place in the National Rounds Philip C. Jessup International Moot Court Competition 2020 or Jessup Moot.

Thesalonica Shinta, one of the team members, said that Jessup Moot is the largest international pseudo-international judicial competition in the world. The competition organized by the International Law School Association (ILSA) was attended by nearly 700 law faculties from more than 90 countries. In Jessup Moot, students are required to be lawyers for a case that represents a country in a court simulation in the International Court of Justice, and collide with the opposing team’s arguments.

“So each team must be ready to argue as an applicant and respondent in the case. We also have to write a written memorial (position of the case) from both sides,” she said on Thursday, February 13, 2020.

Thesa also said that the team had undergone an intense preparation. Due to the deadline for written memorial submission on January 4, 2020, the team must make time to meet almost every day, both in between lectures and at the end of the week.

“During last year’s holiday, we stayed in an apartment of one of our team members for research and pleading training. So it was very tiring,” said the 2017 class of FH UNAIR student.

Jessup Moot consists of 2 stages, National Rounds and International Rounds. National Rounds of Indonesia were held on February 6-7, 2020 at Atma Jaya Indonesian Catholic University, Jakarta. The 3 best teams in the National Rounds are entitled to advance to the International Rounds which will later be held in Washington DC, United States on April 12-18, 2020.

“For the first time, Universitas Airlangga won first place in this competition, followed by Padjadjaran University and Parahyangan Catholic University,” she explained.

The case handled by Jessup Moot this year was Case Concerning the Helian Hyacinth (State of Adawa v. Republic of Rasasa ) which covered 4 topics of international law: state succession, international legal regulations concerning autonomous weapons, multiflora litigation, and international states and its relations to third states.

Thesa added, Jessup team members from Faculty of Law this year consisted of 4 students, Thesalonica Shinta, Yosua Putra (2018), Katherine Abidea Salim (2018), and Zalfa Attiyah (2018). The team was assisted by 4 students as observers /trainers, Nur Indah Apriani (2018), Muhammad Falah Dawanis (2019), Alex Wijaya (2019), and Axel Cross (2019).

Supervised by Dr. Intan Inayatun Soeparna S.H., M.Hum., an international law expert from Faculty of Law, Thesa hoped that they can get to the top 32 in the International Rounds. Previously, Faculty of Law Jessup Moot Team managed to get 13th place in the 2019 Jessup Moot International Rounds.

“If we are lucky, hopefully we can get a higher ranking than last year and give the best for FH UNAIR,” she concluded.

Author: Pradnya Wicaksana

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia

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