UNAIR student compares Tala and Nazhief Adriani stemming algorithms performance

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Mohammad Ali Asy-Syakir at the International Exhibition of Research, Idea & Innovation on Creative and Humanizing at Sultan Abdul Jalil Shah Campus (KSAJS), Sultan Idris Education University (UPSI), Malaysia. (Photo: Personal Documentation.)

UNAIR NEWS – In information technology, information search in the form of text documents or known as Information Retrieval (IR) is the process of separating documents that are considered relevant from a set of documents available. One way to improve IR performance is by stemming, which means how to transform words in a text document into basic words.

The process of stemming for one language is different from the algorithm for stemming another language. Indonesian language has several stemming algorithms. The ones that are widely known are the Tala algorithm and the Nazhief & Andriani algorithm.

Mohammad Ali Asy-Syakir, a student of Faculty of Science and Technology of Universitas Airlangga (FST UNAIR) together with a team comparing application of Tala and Nazhief & Adriani algorithms using the python programming language. The application is named ” Comparison of Indonesian Tala and Nazhief Adriani Stemming Algorithms Performance Using Python “.

According to Ali, the application aims to compare the Tala and Nazhief & Adriani algorithms. The application is also made to implement it.

“Implementing and comparing the Tala and Nazhief Adriani methods using the python programming language with the final result as a web app,” said the final year student.

In the process, the python programming was chosen because according to Ali, supporting libraries are often found in the python programming language so it is easier to apply.

Appearance of Comparison of Indonesian Tala and Nazhief Adriani application Stemming Algorithms Performance Using Python created by Mohammad Ali Asy-Syakir.

Furthermore, Ali also said that the implementation phase was one of the obstacles because at this stage it takes a long time to learn the two stemming algorithms.

Ali also revealed, from the trial results, it is known that both methods have their respective advantages. The Tala algorithm has a faster time in the process, while the Nazhief has a higher accuracy.

“Both methods have their advantages. The Tala is faster in processing time, whereas the Nazhief, has higher accuracy than Tala, “said the Information Systems student.

With this application, Ali hoped that in the future there will be further studies that can develop more effective algorithms in stemming both in terms of processing time and accuracy.

Furthermore, from the application, Ali got a Silver Award in the Management & Science University on Idea Regeneration Expo 2019 (MSU iREX 2019), on December 16-17 2019, at Chancellor Hall, Management & Science University, Malaysia. (*)

Author: Asthesia Dhea Cantika

Editor    : Binti Q. Masruroh

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