Developing residue-free animal feed products, Prof. Sri Hidanah inaugurated as UNAIR Professor

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Prof. Sri Hidanah delivers her scientific oration at her inauguration as a new professor. (Photo: Muhammad Alif Fauzan)

UNAIR NEWS – The use of drugs in livestock business is almost inevitable because livestock production is expected to work optimally with good health condition.

These problems inspired Prof. Dr. Ir. Sri Hidanah, MS., conducted a research on the development of antibiotic residue-free feed supplement products. In her inauguration as 486th Universitas Airlangga professor on Saturday, November 29, 2019, Prof. Sri conveyed some of the results of her research.

“The improper use of antibiotics will lead to residues in meat and egg products,” she said.

The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FKH) professor revealed that residue is a serious problem that consumers may not have been aware of so far. If the meat and eggs containing antibiotic residues consumed continuously, it will endanger and reduce public health.

Prof. Sri in her speech revealed the types of antibiotic residues found in chicken meat include Sulfa, Oxytetracycline, Enrofloxacin, and Tetracycline while the residue in chicken liver is the type of Oxytetracycline, Ciprofloxacin, Enrofloxacin, Macrolide and tetracycline.

“The sample that I found from the modern and traditional markets in Surabaya and Jakarta turned out to have antibiotic residues in eggs, meat, liver, and chicken feet,” she said.

Prohibition of Antibiotic Growth Promoters (AGP) use in Indonesia as feed additives has an impact on poultry farmers. As an antisipative step, an antibiotic residue-free supplement is needed.

Produk Substitute alternative AGP

As an alternative, there are various products can be used as substitute for AGP such as enzymes, probiotics, prebiotics, essential oils, organic acids, symbiotics, and plant bioactives. Furthermore, the product of meniran (Phyllanthus urinaria ) nanoparticle plant extract can be used as an alternative prevention and treatment caused by Avian Phatogenic Escherichia coli (APEC), Salmonellosis, Chronic respiratory disease (CRD) diseases in broilers and laying hens which have the potential to inhibit growth and productivity.

“The use of meniran extract mixed with minerals at a dose of 3-5 kg / ton of finished feed, can stimulate egg production and quality,” she said.

Prof. Sri also added that the use of meniran extract can stimulate the growth of poultry, reduce feed conversion, prevent diarrhea, and can dry out and reduce the smell of sewage. Meniran extract, she added, can be used as the development of natural antibiotics and immunumodulators that are cheap and safe from antibiotic residues.

Author: Aditya Novrian

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia

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