UNAIR academics explore the effects of stress and work motivation in Gresik Satpol PP members

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Illustration by Feri Fenoria

UNAIR NEWS – One unique research result came from Fransiska Dyah Ayu Puspitasari who discussed the influence of stress and work motivation of Satpol PP members in Gresik Regency. According to her, Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja (Satpol PP) is one of the governmental officers which has several task and duty such as administration of public order and tranquility; Law enforcement; Society protection.

In carrying out its task, the member of Satpol PP unit meets several problems. Among others, there are violations of laws and regional regulations that cause a disturbance in general peace and order; the existence of disasters, both natural disasters and caused by humans; and economic, political, social and cultural factors.

“It is undeniable that in its official performance, Satpol PP members often face problems both from internal and external officers, such as work stress and motivation for driving performance,” he said.

The study was conducted to find out the initial assumption that of two variables that could affect performance, namely work stress and work motivation. These variables were seen partially and simultaneously their influence on SatPol PP performance in Gresik Regency.

Furthermore, the method used in the study was quantitative using three questionnaires. By using the Likert scale that measures 120 respondents members of Gresik Regency Satpol PP. The study used three different scales to measure aspects in three research variables, such as work stress, work motivation and performance.

“The results of this study successfully support the first hypothesis of the study, such as work stress and work motivation variables partially and has a significant effect on the performance of Gresik District Civil Service Members,” she concluded.

Author: Nuri Hermawan

The following link is related to the article: http://Produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/opcion/article/view/24687

Fransiska Dyah Ayu Puspitasari, Subagyo Adam. 2019. The influence of job stress and motivation to work performance.

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