UNAIR NEWS – Shaky tooth often occurs from periodontal tissue damage. It is caused by the Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans (Aa) bacteria with a potential virulence factor to damage the periodontal tissue that functions as teeth brace tissue. Dr. Agung Krismariono, drg, MKes, SpPerio(K) revealed the bacteria are major cause of disease in periodontal tissue known as aggressive periodontitis.
“The characteristic of this disease is attacking young individuals, under the age of 35 years with progressive damage to the alveolar bone. The biggest cause of shaky tooth is tartar,” he said.
Furthermore, through clinical examination, periodontal tissue damage was found from individuals with aggressive periodontitis characterized by increasing depth of the gingival sulcus. If periodontal tissue damage caused by Aa bacteria is not treated, it will cause shaky tooth, position change, even tooth loss.
“The problem will interfere with one’s appearance, moreover the disease attacks individuals at a relatively young age who still prioritize aesthetic factors,” he said.
Therefore, effective and easy handling solutions are needed. Dr. Agung and his team tried to use wild water hyacinth plants as alternative solution. Water hyacinth plants have potential chemical contents functioning as antibacterial, phenol compounds, terpenoids, flavonoids, and alkaloids.
“Abundant results of disposed water hyacinth plants can facilitate the availability of raw materials if later it is used in the field of dental health,” he stated.
The results of this study showed that the water hyacinth leaf extract with a concentration ranging from 100% to 6.25% can significantly inhibit the growth of Aa bacteria. Aa bacterial growth began to appear at a concentration of 3.125% and showed an increase until it reached the extract concentration of 0% (control). At the extract concentration of 0.78%, the growth of Aa bacteria did not show any significant difference with control. This shows that the water hyacinth leaf extract can inhibit Aa bacteria with a minimum concentration of 1.56%.
The results of this study indicate that water hyacinth leaf extracts with concentrations ranging from 100% to 6.25% can significantly inhibit the growth of Aa bacteria. Aa bacterial growth began to appear at a concentration of 3.125% and showed an increase until it reached the extract concentration of 0% (control). At the extract concentration of 0.78%, the growth of Aa bacteria did not show any significant difference with control. It shows that the water hyacinth leaf extract can inhibit Aa bacteria with a minimum concentration of 1.56%.
“These results prove that the water hyacinth leaf extract has the ability to inhibit the growth of Aa bacteria. This potential compounds are able to disrupt the permeability of gram negative bacterial cell walls which can result in the release of intracellular substances needed for bacterial life, so the bacteria will eventually die,” Dr. explained.
Author: Khefti Al Mawalia
Editor: Nuri Hermawan
Yasinta Izzah Afidati, Irma Josefina Savitri, Agung Krismariono. Inhibition activity of Water hyacinth leaf extract (Eichhornia crassipes) against Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research. 2019.12(6). 122-125