UNAIR Delegation Unravel the Other Side of Chinese Community at 2019 Monash Herb Feith Center Conference

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UNAIR NEWS – Indonesians of Chinese descent are classified into two categories. Firstly, the negative side of dominating the economic sector and the positive side regarding their achievements and contributions in various fields.

Last month on November 1-3, Herb Feith Indonesian Engagement Center explained the other side of Chinese people’s lives at 2019 Monash Herb Feith Center Conference located at Monash University, Australia. The international academic forum held under the theme “Chinese Indonesians: Identities and History” attended by several academics from various institutions.

On this occasion, there were four delegates from UNAIR presented their research in Australia. Namely, Prof. Dra. Rachmah Ida M.Com., Ph.D., lecturer in the communication science department and lecturer in the history science department, Adrian Perkasa S.Hum. M.A., also two of their students, Eka Nurul Farida and Nadia Santosa.

One of the delegates, Eka explained the topic was interesting because Chinese ethnic is a broad issue and not only limited to the identity issue. They tried to reveal people’s perspectives on these two things. For example, another delegation also discussed China based on literary, gender, to national narrative point of view.

“Mrs Rachmah Ida presented media topics and their links to China. Another topic of Princess Campa and Chinese heritage in Majapahit was explained by Mr Adrian with Nadia. Meanwhile, me and Mrs Shinta Devi talked about Confucianism in Surabaya with and Chinese people’s life in Peneleh, “Eka said.

Besides, the event also presented several speakers such as Dr. Ariel Heryanto (Monash University, Australia), Karen Strassler (Queens College, United States), and Director General of Culture Ministry of Education and Culture, Dr Hilmar Farid. Moreover, there was Rani Pramesti who made artwork in the form of narrative videos about Chinese community back in 1998.

Both Eka and Nadia were the youngest delegates at the conference, and they were not daunted. Especially, Nadia, who is relatively new in this realm. Moreover, she delivered the topic very well with her lecture.

“Mr Adrian and I raised the discussion about Princess Campa and cultural heritage of Chinese Community in Majapahit Kingdom. Princess Campa of Chinese descent married to Raja Brawijaya. His role was significant, especially around Majapahit Kingdom because a king who could marry a princess in the past considered capable of providing legitimacy in the form of power, “explained Nadia.

Unlike Nadia, Eka’s topic tends to discuss the contemporary period. Her presentation theme was “Screams, tears, and laughters: Retracking Chinese Indonesian Memory in Kampung Peneleh”. According to Eka, Chinese Indonesian has been identified with events such as September 30, 1965 Movement and 1998 Tragedy.

“Chinese in Peneleh Village case is different because their stories are local and fun. I want to introduce another side of them because most people tend to use national narratives, “concluded Eka. (*)

Author: Nabila Amelia

Editor : Khefti Al Mawalia

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