Fifth Year, UNAIR KKN-BBM Continues to Support Development in Banyuwangi Regency

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Representative of LPPM UNAIR Dr. Abdul Samik, Drh., (Right) handing over token appreciation to Banyuwangi People's Welfare and Development Administration Assistant, Dr. Suyanto W, M.Si. (Photo: Bastian Ragas)

UNAIR NEWS – The students have reached the fifth year in Thematic KKN-BBM student competition in Banyuwangi Regency. During these five years, the implementation of Community Service Program focused on two sub-districts, namely Kabat and Tegaldlimo sub-districts. In this 60th period, the themes raised were evaluations of the 58 and 59 KKN-BBM activities, as well as the results of educational and empowerment activities.

The release of students participating in Thematic KKN-BBM Banyuwangi Regency was held on Wednesday on July 3 morning, taking place in the front yard of Banyuwangi District Government office. The agenda were attended by UNAIR Banyuwangi PSDKU Coordinator, Prof. Dr. Suryanto, M.Si., Representative of UNAIR Community Service and Development Agency (LPPM), Dr. Abdul Samik, Drh., M.Sc., Coordinator of Banyuwangi District Community Service Center, Dr. Setya Haksama, drg., M. Kes., Banyuwangi People’s Welfare and Development Administration Assistant, Dr. Suyanto W, M.Sc., Village Development and Development Lecturer (DP2D) team, as well as hundreds of KKN participants who were ready to be deployed in two sub-districts, namely Kabat and Tegaldlimo sub-districts.

“Before 1989, KKN UNAIR was not coordinated by LPPM. It was organized in 1989, but the implementation has not been mandatory for UNAIR students. Until then Community Service Program changed its name, and finally, there were various kinds of Community Service Program at this time, and it was mandatory for UNAIR students starting in 2009, “Abduk Samik explained at the beginning of the speech.

Adding from his brief explanation of KKN UNAIR, he expressed his hope that 60th Thematic KKN-BBM students would be serious in implementing Community Service.

“Follow the regulation and you may not leave the village or KKN activities before July 27,” he said.

A photo session with hundreds of KKN-BBM students in Banyuwangi Regency after receipt at Banyuwangi regency office. (Photo: Bastian Ragas)

Representing Regent of Banyuwangi, Banyuwangi Community Development and Welfare Administration Assistant, Dr. Suyanto W, M.Si., gave enthusiasm to KKN participants. Especially in maintaining intention and behavior during activities.

“They will interact with the community directly because the most significant and most beneficial knowledge in the community. You will learn how to adapt, communicate, mingle, and work together, “he said.

Furthermore, he met his wife during community service in his college days. Suddenly, this automatically increased the enthusiasm of the students who were on the front hall of Banyuwangi Regency Government office.

Interviewed by UNAIR NEWS team at the end of the activity, Dr. Setya Haksama, drg., M. Kes., as the coordinator of KKN Banyuwangi regency explained the task of 60th-period students is evaluate the previous KKN activities. As a form of assessment regarding the use of prior events for the community, district government, students, and Universitas Airlangga.

“Hopefully, the students will be able to develop various facets of the community. Starting from the economic aspect, social standards, health, and optimizing the use of technological facilities provided by the district government to the village government,” concluded the lecturer who is often called Haksa. (*)

Author: Bastian Ragas

Editor: Nuri Hermawan

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