Sosma KM PSDKU Banyuwangi Empower Taman Sari Village

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Head of Taman Sari Village while giving a speech. (Photo: Courtesy)
Head of Taman Sari Village while giving a speech. (Photo: Courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – Department of Social Affairs of Family Student Community (KM) Study Program Outside Main Campus (PSDKU) of Universitas Airlangga in Banyuwangi opened Desa Mitra activity located at Taman Sari Village Office, Licin District, Banyuwangi Regency, Wednesday on June 26.

Community service activities of Desa Mitra are carried out for five days from June 26-30. With 50 students from four faculties at PSDKU UNAIR Banyuwangi. All participants will stay in the resident’s home, which includes community empowerment activities, health services, and providing education to the community.

A series of activities will also coincide with Airlangga Mengajar Movement (GAME) with the theme of education and health in several Taman Sari Elementary Schools for three days. After that, entrepreneurship training activities will be carried out to community and UMKM and health checks by PMI. Also, the cleaning village activities and morning gymnastics will be held in Tamansari Village.

The event was also attended directly by the Head of Taman Sari Village, representatives from community organizations, MSMEs, Karang Taruna, KM leaders and the community of Taman Sari Village.

In his speech, Head of the activity committee Ahmad Rido’i Yuda Prayogi expressed his deepest gratitude to the people of Taman Sari Village who have welcomed and accepted us in the activities of Mitra Village. Furthermore, Yuda conveyed the purpose of the activity as a way for students in applying the knowledge, gaining direct experience from the community, increasing students’ sensitivity in the community, and fostering social life.

“Hopefully everything we provide here can be useful for the community and our future, which is still in the learning process,” he said.

Besides, he continued, the activity was also a place to utilize science and technology to advance people’s welfare and educate the life of the nation. It is commonly known that students are agents of change and community activist. Therefore, students must see the portion of their respective duties in serving the community.

“After this activity, there will be an evaluation which build and improve Taman Sari Village to be better in the future,” he concluded. (*)

Author: Muhammad suryadiningrat

Editor: Nuri Hermawan

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