Key of Success by 2019 ON MIPA Medalists

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Rezy Ramawan Melbiarta (left), Kautsar Ul Haq S.Si., M.Si., (center) and Muhammad Ilham Royyan Nafi (right)
Rezy Ramawan Melbiarta (left), Kautsar Ul Haq S.Si., M.Si., (center) and Muhammad Ilham Royyan Nafi (right) (Photo: By courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – National Olympiad of Mathematics and Natural Science of Higher Education (ON MIPA-PT) is held by Directorate of Student Affairs, Directorate General of Learning and Student Affairs, Ministry of Research and Technology (Kemristekdikti) every year. The activity was held on 26-29 April 2019, at University of Muslim Indonesia Makassar to improve academic abilities and insights of students in the field of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.

This year, three students of Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) won two medals and one honorable mention during the event. Ihsan Fakmi Rofananda (Ihsan) from Faculty of Medicine (FK) class 2017, won the silver medal in the field of Biology. Muhammad Ilham Royyan Nafi (Ilham) from Faculty of Pharmacy (FF) class 2017, won a bronze medal for Chemistry category. And Rezy Ramawan Melbiarta (Rezy) from FK class 2018, managed to get an honorable mention in the field of Chemistry.

According to Ihsan and Ilham, there are no special keys to winning the Olympiad other than learning, praying and asking for parents’ blessings. Besides those three, following coaching is also necessary.

Their success cannot be separated from the role of coaches, Sugiharto, S.Si., M.Si, coach for Biology Olympiad and Kautsar Ul Haq S.Si., M.Si., coach for Chemistry Olympiad.

“I only opened records on previous National Science Olympiads (OSN),” said Ihsan.

Ihsan Fakmi Rofananda (left) together with Dr. Hj. Alfiah Hayati, Dra, M.Kes. lecturer of UNAIR FST. (Photo: By courtesy)

On the other hand, Ilham diligently practiced the questions. When you cannot do a problem, look for the answer as a learning process.

Meanwhile, managing time between lectures and study is a challenge. They must be smart to manage the time between college, organization, and coaching, and on Saturday and Sunday, they focused on the Olympiad.

“Managing the time to follow ON MIPA at the national level whose program coincides with the exam is also a challenge for me,” Ihsan said.

Many things motivated both of them to follow ON MIPA-PT. In addition to making achievements, and making parents happy. Ilham also encouraged other UNAIR students to be enthusiastic and strive for achievement.

“Learning is worship, and achievement is da’wah. Therefore, keep up your enthusiasm to make achievements, ” stated Ilham. (*)


Author: Galuh Mega Kurnia

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia

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