UNAIR-PDPI Holds INA-TIME International Symposium to Discuss Tuberculosis

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UNAIR NEWS – Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the top ten causes of death and is an infectious agent. Millions of people get sick due to TB. Globally, an estimated 10.0 million people (between 9.0–11.1 million) are affected by TB in 2017. About 5.8 million men; 3.2 million women; and 1.0 million children are infected by TB.

One of the things that continues to be a public health crisis is resistant TB. Furthermore, around 1.7 billion people, 23 percent of the world population, are estimated to have latent TB infection and are therefore at risk of developing active TB during their lifetime.

To address these problems, Indonesian Pulmonologist Association (PDPI) is collaboration with Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine of Dr. Soetomo Hospital; Faculty of Medicine (FK) and Faculty of Public Health (FKM) Universitas Airlangga; and Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia held 2019 Indonesian Tuberculosis International Meeting (INA-TIME) Symposium at Isyana & Rajasa Ballroom, Bumi Surabaya City Resort, Saturday, April 6, 2019.

The INA-TIME “A Joined Force to Bring Down” was in the form of a symposium entitled “Recent Developments in Diagnosis and Management of Tuberculosis”. There were eight eight speakers who spoke about TB problems in Indonesia, including treatment and prevention strategies for the community. The event was also attended and opened by Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, Prof. Dr. dr. Nila Djuwita F. Moeloek, Sp.M (K).

Tutik Kusmiati, dr., Sp.P (K), Chief Executive of INA-TIME 2019, in his speech said that based on WHO report, Indonesia was the third largest TB country after India and China. INA-TIME 2019 is expected to be able to suppress and end tuberculosis rates in Indonesia.

“I hope this scientific meeting can end the tuberculosis rate in Indonesia through researchers, resources, policies, and related stakeholders in the national and international sectors in the short and long term,” she said.

Representing UNAIR Rector, Prof. Mochammad Amin Alamsjah, Ir., M.Si., Ph.D., as Vice Rector III of UNAIR said that TB is a big problem in the world. Many countries, organizations, and institutions conducted research on TB. One of them is UNAIR. This is done to get a solution that can be implemented to the community.

“Universitas Airlangga also contributes to the implemention of research and studies on tuberculosis in this INA-TIME event,” he said.

The INA-TIME event was officially opened by Indonesian Minister of Health Prof. Nila. She explained that Indonesia contributed 40 percent of TB rates in the world. To suppress this number, all elements of society must think holistically and comprehensively. Not only curative, but also started from promotive and preventive efforts.

“Let’s live healthily. Because, health starts from ourselves, “said Prof. Nila at the end of her speech. (*)

Author: Ulfah Mu’amarotul Wisdom

Editor: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i


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