FKp UNAIR Successfully Holds Indonesian Nursing Student Debate Competition

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NEWS UNAIR –   As a part of its 20th Anniversary events, Faculty of Nursing (FKp) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) held a debate competition entitled Nursing Debate Competition (NDC) which was attended by various Indonesian nursing students on Saturday, March 23, 2019) .

Andri Setiya Wahyudi, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep, Head of 20th Anniversary Committee, motivated and encouraged the dozens of participants attending. There were 24 universities and 32 delegation teams who were ready to compete in the competition.

The theme, Nursing Transformation on Industrial Revolution 4.0 , is a challenge for each team to answer each motion given by the committee. Every end of the participant’s argument ended with applause from the audience.

Closing the event, the committee announced the winners of Indonesian Nursing Student Debate Competition. 1st place won by Padjajaran University, 2nd place won by STIKES Bali and 3rd place won by UNAIR followed by POLTEKES Ministry of Health Malang in the fourth place. POLTEKES Kemenkes Malang also won the Best Speaker category

Mifta Kumalasari as the committee expressed her happiness because the event ran well. The participants also followed the rules well, without any violations.

“The debate run well and no one violated the ethics of the debate. I, as one of the organizers, was very grateful and proud that the event went smoothly, ” she added. (*)


Author: Achmad Ubaidillah Mughni

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia

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