Improving Quality of Health Services, UNAIR Applies Concept of Interprofessional Collaboration

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IPE workshop
Workshop on Inter-Professional Education (IPE) in Kahuripan 301 Room, UNAIR Management Office. (Photo: Khefti Al Mawalia)

UNAIR NEWS – In order to improve the quality of education and health, Directorate of Academic Affairs Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) held a workshop on Inter-Professional Education (IPE). The workshop was held for two days on 28 February – 1 March 2019. This activity was held in Kahuripan 301 Hall, UNAIR Management Office.

The speakers at the event were Prof Satomi Ogawa, R.N. Ph.D from Japan, Prof. dr. Hendy Muagiri Margono Kooesnoeljakin, Sp.KjK(K) from RSUD dr. Soetomo, Agus Ardiansyah, MPH., Ph.D from BPBD East Java, Dr. Erwin Astha Triyono, dr., SpPD., K.PTI., FINASIM, Dr. Atik Choirul Hidajah, dr., M.Kes, and Dr. Setya Budi Pamungkas, Sp OG. The workshop was also attended by a team of lecturers from each faculty in UNAIR.

IPE is a collaborative service that guarantees health services by utilizing all health resources, including health workers. However, to get this collaborative service, education for all health workers is expected to be able to integrate interprofessional education, both in the curriculum, teaching strategies, and evaluation of learning outcomes.

The workshop was a follow-up of an activity previously been held in June 2018. The IPE module that was previously planned is now realized and well disseminated to each team from each faculty. There are five discussion of modules, including HIV, extraordinary events (KLB),  patient safety, drugs, and disaster management.

Dr. Setya Budi Pamungkas, Sp.OG said that the design of IPE competencies in services would later integrate knowledge, skills and values ​​or attitudes that emphasize cooperation in all professions, patient-family, and society. This aims to improve the health care system. The services should be safe, effective, efficient, punctual, fair, and patient oriented.

“This IPE concept is expected to be applied and re-disseminated to students to create a situation of good cooperation in the team and prepare UNAIR graduates to have better quality. In this case students have the right to get excellent material and competencies from supervisors or lecturers, “he added.

Before UNAIR Hospital has implemented the IPE concept in internal circles in 2016. However, its application is considered not optimal because this concept is still not well disseminated.

According to Dr. Prihartini Widyanti, drg., M.Kes., the activity coordinator, this IPE formulation will be implemented through 3 pillars, community setting, curriculum setting, and hospital setting. Community settings will be applied next semester, while curriculum setting and hospital setting will be applied in 2020.

“The Director of Academic Affairs at UNAIR will also fully support the IPE concept in order to improve the quality of education and health to be excellent and professional,” she added. (*)

Author: Khefti Al Mawalia

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh


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