Kompas Photography Training Enlivens Festival Muda Memilih Surabaya

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Iwan Setiyawan, Vice Editor of Kompas Daily while Providing Material on Photography at Festival Muda Memilih Surabaya, Located in New Class 1 Airlangga Convention Center (ACC) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) on Friday, February 15. (Photo: Fariz Ilham Rosyidi)

UNAIR NEWS – In the series of Festival Muda Memilih Surabaya 2019, Iwan Setiyawan, Head Editor of Kompas Daily Photo provided photography training material to Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) students in New Class I, Airlangga Convention Center (ACC) 2nd Floor on Friday, February 15.

In the event, Iwan explained that journalistic photos is a content produced by journalists besides writing. Because, it can provide information to public in large scale.

According to Iwan, it takes skill and courage to document news event as photo journalist.

“For example, if there is a disaster, people usually run away to save themselves, while a photo journalist will capture the moment first.” said Iwan.

Furthermore, Kompas senior journalist explained how to track news information in the field. According to him, journalist should find the data itself to provide a valid news.

“And the most important thing is how we can make interesting news and build a good relations with speakers so that the sharpness of news can be obtained,” said Iwan.

EDFAT method

Iwan said there are five things that need to be considered in journalistic photos. He abbreviated EDFAT, which stands for Entire, Detail, Frame, Angle, and Time.

Entire or known as established shot is establishes the context for a scene by showing the relationship between its important figures and objects. Meanwhile, Detail explains how a photo has detail information and Frame is a phase where reporters recognize the meaning of composition, and texture on a photo object.

Angle is a stage where viewpoint becomes dominant from high and low angles, left and right eye level and how to frame an object. The last is time, which determines when we have to press camera shutter.

In addition, Festival Muda Memilih Surabaya 2019 also provides material such as Paying Tuition Fee with Shares by Sunar Susanto, MSc, Using Facebook Wisely by Alice Budisatrijo, Active Voters in Digital Age by Febriamy Hutapea, and Tips in Checking Hoax by Inggried Dwi Wedhaswary.

Author: Fariz Ilham Rosyidi

Editor: Nuri Hermawan

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