Commemorating Nutrition Day, UNAIR Introduces Balanced Nutrition to Children

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National Nutrition Day
The joy of children celebrating National Nutrition Day with Nutrition Science Student Association UNAIR. (Photo: M. Najib Rahman)

UNAIR NEWS – In commemoration of 59th National Nutrition Day (HGN) on January 25, Nutrition Science Program at Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Airlangga held a community service. The activity was held at SD Negeri Keputih 245 on Monday, Jan. 28.

The activity was attended by students who were members of Nutrition Science student association (Hima) and lecturers of Nutrition Science. There was headmaster and teacher boards, as well as 5th grade students of SD Negeri Keputih 245.

It was started with a ceremony then the students were invited to join a morning exercise and explained on the importance of drinking eight glasses of water per day. After that, students were directed to the library to get material on the importance of breakfast and their diet (isi piringku). The joy and the enthusiasm of the students seen during the dissemination from a lecturer in Nutrition Science.

According to Lailatul Muniroh, S.K.M, M. Kes., Head of Nutrition Science Program, in accordance with the Balanced Achievement Nutrition theme, the material on students’ diet was emphasized. In isi piringku, students will learn what are the good diet in order to create balanced nutrition.

“The composition of my plate is staple food, animal and vegetable protein, vegetables, and fruit,” she added.

Each composition has its own portion. For staple foods 2/3 of 1/2 plate, side dishes 1/3 of 1/2 plate, vegetables 2/3 of 1/2 plate, and the rest is for fruits.

“The current concept of good food is no longer empat sehat lima sempurna, but balanced nutrition,” she added.

Not only practice, students are asked to bring the best provisions with the menu composition according to the material taught and brought to school on January 31, 2019. There will be a contest on the best menu and eaten by students together. For the three best food compositions, they will be named as winners.

“I hope this community service can be beneficial for the wider community and the community can implement balanced nutrition in their daily lives,” she concluded.

Author: M. Najib Rahman

Editor: Nuri Hermawan


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