Regional Student Organization Forum Ready to Make UNAIR Sapa Negeri Successful

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UNAIR NEWS – Semester holidays are waited by every student including by the Regional Student Organization Forum (FORSIDA). Because the odd semester holiday was a moment for FORSIDA to conduct UNAIR Sapa Negeri (USN) activities.

UNAIR FORSIDA is an autonomous body organization (BO) of Student Executive Body (BEM) UNAIR which was established on July 9, 2017. FORSIDA aims to become a place for collaborative, contribution and dedication regional students for the Universitas Airlangga and Indonesia. There are 33 members of FORSIDA which consist of regional student organizations (ormada) at Universitas Airlangga.

The students will introduce UNAIR, give information on admission, and provide motivation so that students from the regions continue their education to  higher education.

“High school students do not understand the campus life. So, we will introduce how life in campus, ” he said.

Unang said, USN was welcomed well by every ORMADA. Evidently, there are ORMADA who are ready to conduct socialization to 30 schools in the regions, even to remote areas. According to Unang, USN as a form of service is an activity to fill student holidays and also strengthen ties between students.

“Instead of being idle at home, it’s better to do things that are beneficial to others,” he said.

Unang hoped that USN can run smoothly. His dream, USN can be implemented in the following years with better quality.

Meanwhile, Irham Rofiq Musthofa, a student from ORMADA Airlangga Kebumen said that he strongly supports USN activities as majority of high school students from regions do not have high enthusiasm to continue their education to a higher level. USN, continued Irham, is also a mean for every ORMADA to introduce UNAIR to students.

“We from Airlangga Kebumen are ready to make this USN activity successful. Hopefully with this, Indonesian people will be more advanced in the future, “he concluded. (*)


Author: M. Najib Rahman

Editor: Feri Fenoria


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