A glimpse of Imaji Airlangga, BSO Puppet from FIB UNAIR

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UNAIR NEWS – What the first thing that cross your mind when you hear the word of puppet? Do you think about wayang puppet show performing by puppet master on stage? Or maybe a group of people performing it on theater?

A variety of classical interpretations will come to our minds when we think about puppet. This time UNAIR NEWS had the opportunity to explore Imaji Airlangga (MAJA), a BSO puppet from FIB UNAIR.

Head of MAJA, Maya Sarah Prameswari said that MAJA is Semi-Autonomous Body (BSO) that has existed in FIB from 23 April, 2002. Since its establishment, MAJA has been oriented to develop FIB student creative ideas through four divisions: event organizers, puppets, films and art designs.

In the beginning, MAJA was initiated by a group of students who participated in a competition. They had ideas that were poured into creative program competition of students and end up winning the competition.

“The group of students consists of Ikhwan, Kukuh, Endi, Gesang, Dandung, Memi, Nurul, Dahlia, Adi, Beti, Dewi and many more. They are all of Maja founder and developed it for Faculty of Humanities UNAIR, “explained Maya.

MAJA Creative Activities

MAJA has several creative activities, including hand-making puppets, hand puppet shows, hand lettering creations, origami, children’s story texts, and Puppet Show (hand puppet shows).

All of these creative activities can be found in four MAJA activities, including Welcome Party MAJA, an event for new members of MAJA and Maja On Stage, an Puppet MAJA performance in PAUD – Kidergarten Surabaya.

Furthermore, MAJA-GO is a puppet performance and art design creation activity carried out in child cancer foundation or a primary school for exceptional children in Surabaya and also Maja Gathering, an annual event to gather with MAJA members and alumni.

For community service activities, MAJA provides educational stories through fable characters (animals). In MAJA story, there will be a lot of stories and good moral values. There are some story about maintaining clean lifestyle, friends, animals.

“The fables we use usually are elephants, ducks, crocodiles, monkeys, and rabbits to entertain children,” explained the student from the Japanese study.

In the future, Maya hope that FIB students who are members of MAJA will contribute to children’s education development. Especially, teaching moral education, tolerance and love for others (*).

Author: Fariz Ilham Rosyidi

Editor: Nuri Hermawan

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