UNAIR Expert: Prevent stunting only with exclusive breastfeeding for babies aged 0 to 6 months

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Exclusive Breastfeeding (Source: primayahospital.com)

UNAIR NEWS – Recently, the issue of stunting has become the focus of another serious issue worked on by the Indonesian government. In this regard, Farida Fitriana, S.Keb., Bd., M.Sc., Faculty of Medicine (FK) UNAIR Midwifery Lecturer exposed the latent issue of stunting that has not ended.

According to Farida, there are some inappropriate actions that are still applied for baby care. Many mothers deliberately give food to babies who are not yet six months old. Furthermore, the FK UNAIR Lecturer explained that for the first six months, babies should only be given exclusive breastfeeding without any food.

”Analogically, the baby’s stomach is the size of a red bean seed, so it’s very small. In other words, babies’ cry doesn’t mean they are hungry and we have to give them food. Their cry could mean that they feel uncomfortable because of their diapers or just need a hug. It’s only natural because 9 months in the womb is hot, and when they come out, they need adjustment,” explained Farida to UNAIR NEWS on January 27, 2022.

Farida also suggested that breastfeeding mothers should be calm whether their milk comes out little or not at all. “Breastfeeding mothers don’t need to be surprised if the milk doesn’t come out. Just wait for three days. Babies who receive little breast milk for 3 days can still be strong because they have stored brown fat since birth,” she said.

She also revealed that western countries really value colostrum or fluid from the breast which is high in protein and active cells. “The color of colostrum is golden yellow. It comes out 3-5 days after delivery. Many Indonesian people think it is breast milk feces, so it is not given to babies,” she said.

Furthermore, she also emphasized the importance of exclusive breastfeeding, original mother’s milk without a mixture of artificial formula milk. The Midwifery Lecturer stated that 60% of children aged 0-6 months do not receive exclusive breastfeeding. Furthermore, she explained several advantages of exclusive breastfeeding. It contains complete nutrition including carbohydrates, protein, multi vitamins, and minerals. It is also easily absorbed by the baby’s body.

“The nutrients in breast milk can be perfectly absorbed and do not interfere with the baby’s weak kidney function,” said Farida.

After all, breast milk is a living fluid, she continued. Breastfeeding can also help bond between mother and child. Farida advised that the role of husbands and fellow women is to continue to support breastfeeding mothers. According to her, their support can increase the hormone oxytocin.

“Don’t feel pressured just because the milk doesn’t come out. It actually increases the cortisol hormone or stress hormone. Therefore, encourage the mother to increase the oxytocin hormone or the love hormone instead,” she concluded.

Author: Viradyah Lulut Santosa

Editor: Nuri Hermawan

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