Did Socioeconomic Status Influence Psychological Preparedness for Potential Disaster of Resident Around Lapindo Mud Disaster

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Lumpur Sidoarjo or known as LUSI is a geological disaster Lumpur Sidoarjo or known as LUSI is geological disaster that has been going on for 14 years since 2006. It is consider as the world’s largest mud volcano eruption. The mud volcano is still erupting up until now and greatly impact the life of communities around the site. People live around the site mostly relied on the ponds as a living thus LUSI bring a devastated impact to the local communities.

The condition has bring negative impact not only to their economic condition but also to their mental health. Study found that there are growing number of people live around the site that experience psychological problem. It is also found that the survivor of LUSI experienced several psychological problems such as anxiety and depression.

Helping individual to successfully manage a disaster situation or disaster impact and to cope with psychological problem could help the survivor to reduce the psychological impact that they experiencing. Researcher found that psychologically preparing individuals for a disaster could potentially decrease the psychological impact of disasters The aimed of this study is to evaluate the relationship between socioeconomic statuses on psychological preparedness amongst resident around lapindo mud disaster.

The finding is that most of the people in the middle income group
have average level of psychological preparedness for disaster. While the low income group were mostly
in the low position of psychological preparedness for disaster.  The study of impact of flood and drought
in rural Sri Lanka has come to the same conclusion that the people from low income family has low
capacity to protect themselves and their assets, as well as they could not afford to live in areas that less
exposed to risk of disaster.

In summary, this research found that psychological preparedness for potential disaster among the resident around lapindo mud disaster was not affected by socioeconomic status due to the present of other variables beside socioeconomic status that could also influence the psychological peparedness for potential disasters.

Author: Listyati Setyo Palupi

Details of the article can be viewed at: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/698/1/012012

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