UNAIR FEB Master of Management receives Top Creating Shared Value Award 2021

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Certificate of Top CSV Award 2021 for Master of Management FEB UNAIR. (Illustration by the organizing committee)

UNAIR NEWS – The prestigious Top CSV Award 2021, presented in a webinar and e-awarding ceremony, was organized by INFOBRAND.ID in collaboration with TRAS N CO Indonesia and supported by the Management Department, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Universitas Airlangga via video conference on Thursday afternoon, October 14, 2021.

On that occasion, FEB’s Master of Management won the Top CSV Award 2021 for the CSV (Creating Shared Value) program called “This is Ability Not Disability, Aroma Painting Method for the Blind”. This method was first introduced in the public movement themed “This is Ability Not Disability” at Plaza Surabaya, Sunday, June 20, 2021.

“The concept is fascinating, to show that everyone can draw or paint, including the blind. Blind people get exposure as participants and get new learning methods that can be included in the school education curriculum. Universitas Airlangga gains more good reputation as the initiator of programs in social and educational issues,” said Susilowati Ningsih as CEO of INFOBRAND Group.

Top CSV Award 2021 is the first CSV award event in Indonesia, given to companies or institutions in Indonesia that have successfully implemented the CSV program. The award is given based on the results of the presentation and assessment of the jury concerning three aspects of the assessment, CSV Concept Aspect, CSV Impact Aspect, and CSV Branding Aspect.

The award event was held in conjunction with a national webinar with the theme “CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) to CSV (Creating Shared Value)”. Competent speakers fill the national webinar. The first speaker, Drs. Mas Achmad Daniri, MEc (Expert Council of the National Committee on Governance Policy, Expert on Good Corporate Governance, and Author of the Book “Lead By CSV” presented material on the New Paradigm of CSV Implementation.

The second speaker, Dr. Gancar C. Premananto, CDM, Head of the Management Department of FEB Universitas Airlangga, and Senior Consultant and CSV Mentor, presented CSV’s Smart Corporate Strategy. The third speaker, Tri Raharjo SE, MM, a CEO of TRAS N CO Indonesia and Founder of the Indonesia Brand Network (IBN), presented material with the theme Branding Strategy for CSV.

CSV is a concept in a business strategy to create shared economic value while solving social problems that exist in society. Through the CSV program, companies can also run programs according to the company’s vision and mission that align with the Sustainable Development Goals  (SDG’s) objectives. Although it has been introduced, many companies have still not implemented or even understood the concept of CSV.

Therefore, this webinar is expected to provide insight on CSV to companies in Indonesia so that more companies will implement CSV for corporate social activities. Moreover, the Top CSV Award is expected to improve the public image, reputation, and trust and encourage companies or institutions in Indonesia to implement the CSV program in their business to impact the environment, social, and company positively.

Author: Tyas Ratna Manggali

Editor: Nuri Hermawan

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