Supporting SDG 4, UNAIR FIB and INOVASI holds a community service program in Paciran

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The program coordinator, Ikhsan Rosyid Mujahidul Anwari, S. S., M. A., during the opening remarks (Photo: Erika Eight N)

UNAIR NEWS- Universitas Airlangga, in collaboration with some educational institutions, held a community service activities to support SDG 4, Quality Education, on Saturday morning, September 4, 2021. The activity was titled “Strengthening 21st Century Character and Skills as Implementation of Pancasila Student Profiles through the Formation of Changes in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah”. The program is a collaboration of Universitas Airlangga, the Australia Indonesia Partnership for Indonesian School Children Innovation (INOVASI), and the Ma’arif Nahdlatul Ulama Educational Institution of Lamongan and Sidoarjo Regency.

According to the program coordinator Ikhsan Rosyid Mujahidul Anwari, S.S., M.A., the agenda that has been designed since last year aims to shape the character of Madrasah (Islamic School, ed) students with clear division of roles. It means there is a clear task for each party. In particular, seven MI (Madrasah Ibtidaiyah) in Paciran, Lamongan, and six MI in Sidoarjo.

“For example, in class, who is the chosen teacher or student? The output of this program, each school has one advantage of character focus. For example, discipline; literacy; or honesty,” said the UNAIR Faculty of Humanities (FIB) lecturer.

Ikhsan said that the program has been running since June 2021. All aspects of the school, starting from the head of the madrasah; foundation officials; parent representatives; and teacher representatives, were invited in turn to formulate a 21st-century skill character development program and Pancasila student profile.

At least 50 teachers and principals from seven schools in Paciran sub-district participated. The activities carried out as mentoring, group discussion forums, and material presentation from the Ma’arif NU LP. All practitioners were invited to think critically about exploring each school’s potential and applying it in each class.

“Today, it is still as a big picture, not technical. We have a discussion and actively ask questions related to the 21st-century skills program and the Pancasila Student Profile, which will be applied in the classroom. There are 16 21st century skills, one year we can instill one or two characters, for example,” said Ikhsan.

Ikhsan said that the Paciran and Sidoarjo areas are matched with the required samples. Based on the mapping, Ikhsan highlighted East Java as a coastal area, agricultural area, and industrial area.

“The agrarian coast fits very well with Paciran, while Sidoarjo is an industrial area. Those are the two values that represent the characteristics of the East Java population,” said Ikhsan.

Meanwhile, one last activity will be held in the next two or three weeks. Prior to that, Ikhsan said his party would come to schools to provide assistance in each madrasah.

Ikhsan said the results of the program would later be put into action. His party will also convey existing activities to regional decision-makers, including the regent.

“Hopefully, we already have a fixed character education template, which another madrasah can follow. Even in different levels, or maybe for public schools,” concluded Ikhsan.

Author: Erika Eight Novanty

Editor: Nuri Hermawan (AC/AP)

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