PUSPAS consistently supports five UNAIR SDGs implementations

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The SDGs roadshow
The SDGs roadshow

UNAIR NEWS- Times Higher Education (THE) is a ranking agency that measures the contribution of universities in the world based on 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) indicators in carrying out global action plans. The global action aims to end poverty, reduce inequality, and protect the environment. 

Universitas Airlangga’s Center for Social Fund Management (PUSPAS UNAIR) was one of the first work units to respond to this. It is also following the SDGs Center team’s plan to hold roadshows and monitoring in various faculties and work units within UNAIR to improve the Times Higher Education Impact ranking of UNAIR. On Friday, August 14, 2021, PUSPAS and the SDGs Center were on the same page, held a roadshow, strengthened ties, and discussed the 17 points of SDGs indicators that PUSPAS could have carried out. 

Following the meeting, PUSPAS is in agreement with the SDGs Center team to support UNAIR in improving its THE ranking. Confirmed by Dr. Wisudanto SE., MM. CFP., as the Head of PUSPAS, PUSPAS will collect the activities they had carried out meeting the requirements and supporting the works of the SDGs Center team so that they can become a harmonious force. 

The activity listing in PUSPAS is a step in implementing the policies set by the UNAIR SDGs Center team. In that case, PUSPAS explained that apart from implementing humanitarian programs in accordance with SDG 1, No Poverty and SDG 2, Zero Hunger, through scholarships for students in need. 

“This includes distributing meals or gifts to the poor. In the future, PUSPAS will also increase developments through research,” said Dr. Prawitra Talib, S.H., M.H., as the secretary of PUSPAS.

“In the future, research carried out by PUSPAS will be inclined to SDG 17, Partnership for The Goals, which is able to provide benefits in partnerships and for the welfare of global society,” continued Dr. Prawitra.

Furthermore, Prawitra also made it clear that PUSPAS has a GeNose screening tool used as a Covid-19 detection tool for the wider community. It is also included in the implementation of SDG 3, Good Health and Well-Being. 

PUSPAS also has ‘Griya Khadijah’ housing program that supports SDG 5, Gender Equality. “Griya Khadijah supports Gender Equality, as the program provided curriculum and various activities aimed at forming individuals who are independent, pious with an entrepreneurial spirit,” said Dr. Irham Zaki S.Ag., MEI, as the coordinator of PR and ZISWAF PUSPAS UNAIR.

Dr. Zaki also projects that his media team will be more active in publishing. “As the SDGs Center team expected PUSPAS activities could be shown-off, we will take steps to be more active in reporting PUSPAS activities associated with SDGs keywords,” he said. 

“Another effort, the media team will make news in English,” added Dr. Zaki.

That way, the consistency of the five indicators by PUSPAS is expected to support UNAIR’s THE ranking. Although the pandemic is not over yet, these steps are expected to help people experiencing difficulties during the pandemic.

Author: Zahwa E. Bella & Ainun Jaria

Editor: Feri Fenoria

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