Keep these things in mind when using masks

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UNAIR NEWS – The Covid-19 pandemic has changed people’s lifestyles, including on the masks use every time they leave the house or meet other people. The use of masks is intended to protect themselves from the risk of contracting and transmitting diseases. However, even though it has been two years since the pandemic started, Diansanto Prayoga, S.KM., M.Kes., said many people still make mistakes in wearing masks.

The Faculty of Public Health lecturer, Universitas Airlangga, said several things need to be considered in using masks as a health protocol to work effectively. First, Dian explained that we have to change masks every four hours. Therefore, he reminded everyone to always carry a spare mask in the bag when leaving the house.

“Negligence often found is reusing masks that have previously been used because it is just used for few minutes or an hour. Even though it has only been used for a while, we do not know whether the outer layer of the mask has been exposed to the virus or not. So, I suggest you always change your mask after going out or being in a crowd,” he explained in a webinar entitled Mask Aspect: Analysis of Mask Hygiene Behavior.

Diansanto Prayoga, S.KM., M.Kes
Diansanto Prayoga, S.KM., M.Kes

According to Dian, the second thing to consider is to buy medical masks that comply with the standards and distribution permits. It is undeniable that the lifestyle of wearing masks finally created fierce competition in the mask market until many sell masks at lower prices without meeting the proper standards. Therefore, he warned to always check the label or distribution permit information on each mask box packaging before buying it.

Regarding sports activities, Dian said that if the exercise is done with other people, masks still have to be used. However, if we exercise alone and the place is safe, we do not need to put on the masks.

“What worries me is when cycling in crowds. We often let our guards down after cycling around, and we usually stop for a moment to gather and eat together. It is something that must be done carefully, and its safety needs to be considered,” he stressed.

Furthermore, another thing to consider is to keep wearing a mask when speaking. Even though they already trust each other and believe they are healthy, Dian said masks must still be used to reduce risks.

“Another important thing is not to combine two medical masks at once. Medical masks are not designed to be used in two layers at the same time. Use a medical mask as an inner layer and then cover it with a cloth mask on the outside,” he concluded.

Author: Nikmatus Sholikhah

Editor: Feri Fenoria

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