UNAIR psychology expert shares strategies to overcome stress in teenagers

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UNAIR NEWS – Stress in teenagers is a phenomenon often found nowadays. The teenagers who are still in the stage of growth, looking for their identity, are a group that is vulnerable to stress. Therefore, the Faculty of Psychology Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) shared information on coping with stress and psychological assistance in the Webinar Series: Teenagers with Good Mental Health and Empathy.

According to UNAIR Professor of Clinical Psychology and Mental Health, Prof. Dr. Nurul Hartini, M.Kes., Psychologist, stress will occur if the individual assesses the stimulus (something present and received, ed) as something which burdens and exceeds his resources or abilities. An individual is categorized as experiencing stress if the emotional, cognitive, and behavioral impacts continue for more than a week.

Stress can also appear due to stressors or pressures within and outside oneself. Psychological or philosophical aspects can cause pressures within oneself. “For example, you think you’re good at math, but you get a score of 7. If you feel stressed about it, you experience a psychological stressor. If we are children of mathematics teachers, we feel obliged to get a score above 8. That condition becomes a philosophical stressor,“ explained the Head of the Contextual Positive Psychology Study Group.

On the other hand, external stressors can result from social and environmental consequences. Prof. Nurul highlighted how the Covid-19 pandemic can be an environmental stressor through the death news or the sound of an ambulance.

Therefore, Prof. Nurul encouraged teenagers to show the proper stress response. Moreover, stress cannot be avoided and is part of the dynamics of human life. Stress management can be done by changing the way you think and behave.

“First, focus on the problem. Identify the problem, and change the source of your stress. Also, reduce negative emotional responses in dealing with stress,” said Prof. Nurul on Saturday, August 7, 2021.

Zoom Meeting of Webinar Series: Teenagers with Good Mental Health and Empathy by the Faculty of Psychology UNAIR (Source: SS Zoom Meeting)

Furthermore, Prof. Nurul also advised teenagers to maintain their quality and vitality, change their stress into things that stimulate their capacity optimally, and turn them into useful things.

Thus, teenagers have to know their ability to deal with stress whether the stress can be overcome alone or whether they need someone else to provide support and solutions.

According to Prof. Nurul, an individual will need help if he has experienced symptoms of distress such as being unable to solve his problems or experiencing the negative impact of stress on cognitive, emotional, and behavioral aspects.

The support can come from several parties. The first is social support from friends, peer counselors, relatives, parents, teachers, and other closest people. The second is professional assistance from counselors, psychologists, and psychiatrists. The third is assistance from psychological service institutions and online counseling. Some psychological service institutions that can be contacted are Sejiwa Himpsi Service, call center 199 Ext. 8, Riliv, and so on.

“You are not alone, and should not be alone. You have to know that other people care for you and are ready to provide assistance,” she said.

The webinar event attracted the interest of 196 participants and targeted junior and senior high school students. Entitled “Teenagers with Good Mental Health and Empathy,” the event was a form of community service from the Faculty of Psychology UNAIR held by the Contextual Positive Psychology Study Group. (*)

Author: Intang Arifia

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh (YA/AP)

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