Pena Syariah, MSME sharia financial recording app initiated by UNAIR Students

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UNAIR Islamic Economics Student Association’s Business Plan Team wins Second Place in the National Business Plan Competition, Temilnas 2021.

UNAIR NEWS- Three students of Universitas Airlangga have made another brilliant national achievement. Muhammad Hafid Fauzan, Asvarina Al Jannati, and Ridho Robbani of the Business Plan (BP) Team managed to win the Second Place National BP Competition in the 2021 National Scientific Meeting (Temilnas).

The BP Team leader Muhammad Hafid Fauzan explained the ideas they put forward in the national competition. They created a business plan in the form of  ‘Pena Syariah’ app. The idea came up when the team saw the potential of many Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSME) in Indonesia.

“We also see that one of the problems felt by MSME is the lack of knowledge on the importance of financial records for their business,” explained Hafid.

Hafid explained sharia labeling on the app was because there are laws in Islamic Economics imprinted in the app. It s expected to be one of the ways for Islamic Economics known better by the public, especially for MSME.

The team started designing the business unit illustration, planning aspects, and financial aspects. On the financial aspects, they focused more on the costs required to start the business. There are also projections of income, profit and loss, cash flow, and other aspects that support the running of the business.

“We also review the aspects of sharia compliance, which of course explains more about sharia methods in business implementation,” explained Hafid.

Assisting MSME

Hafid and his team created a sharia financial recording app that can make it easier for MSME practitioners to record their business finances. Furthermore, the application also has several features that can educate UMKM practitioners regarding the Islamic financial system complying with Islamic laws.

In the app, there is also a zakat feature that assists MSME practitioners in monitoring zakat eligibility. If the profit received by MSME has reached nisab, the zakat feature will automatically notify users regarding the zakat they must pay. Payment of zakat can also be made in the ‘Pena Syariah’ app.

“We also provide premium features. This feature can be a place to bring together MSME practitioners with investors who want to invest their money. Of course, the premium features also refer to OJK policies related to mudarabah and musharakah,” said Hafid.

At the end, Hafid said that in the final round, the team had a few problems solving the committee’s business case. The team found it quite difficult to make a PowerPoint presentation because none of the team members had ever made a business case.

“On the day of the announcement of Temilnas Business Plan winners, our team unexpectedly won second place in the Temilnas Business Plan competition. We are forever grateful,” concluded Hafid. (*)

Author:  Sandi Prabowo

Editor    :  Binti Q. Masruroh (AC/AP)

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