UNAIR academic comments on pros and cons of Covid-19 vaccine in children

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UNAIR NEWS- Covid-19 has not found its endpoint. Every day, new cases of Covid-19 are confirmed, which means that the virus is still spreading in the community. On Saturday, August 7, 2021, there were additional 31.753 confirmed cases of Covid-19 in Indonesia. 

Dr. Dominicus Husada, dr., DTM&H., MCTM(TP)., Sp.A(K) said that although the Covid-19 pandemic was no more terrifying than the Spanish Flu in 1918 and the bubonic plague in the 14th century, the Covid-19 pandemic was able to overwhelm the national health service. “But even though it’s not as severe as the two (pandemic, ed), for the last two months, we have been shattered by Corona. Even if Indonesia is declining, other countries in Southeast Asia are still increasing,” said dr. Dominicus.

Various ways, such as using doubling up masks, washing hands, preventing crowds, and administering vaccines, are carried out. “The principle is that the more layers, the better. All layers have holes, but they will be impenetrable if they are combined into one,” explained dr. Dominicus, a lecturer at the Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga. 

Vaccines are given to create herd immunity so that the spread of the Covid-19 virus can be suppressed. Currently, the provision of the Covid-19 vaccine is not only aimed at health workers, adults, and the elderly. However, children can get vaccinated according to the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) circular number HK.02.01/I/2007/2021. The circular states that children aged 12 to 17 are allowed to receive the vaccines.

However, the pros and cons of administering the Covid-19 vaccine to children have also emerged. “Those who support will say that the number of children who are infected is large. In East Java alone, the number of children under 15 is around 8 to 10 million, so it is very significant. And it definitely affects herd immunity,” said dr. Dominicus.

“Then these children have mass activities, telling children to wear masks is hard, and teenagers have the urge to gather. Teenagers are the most difficult people to manage. So, if they are told to wear a mask or wash their hands, they will not listen. Adolescents play a role in transmission. Do not forget that children can also transmit the Covid-19 virus. So, this is a reason why the pros want their children vaccinated,” added dr. Dominicus at the Airlangga Webinar Conference Series, Covid-19 and Children, on Thursday, August 5, 2021.

The con group do not support it because of the medical benefits. The problem is the availability of vaccine stocks. In achieving herd immunity, the world requires 16 billion vaccine stocks, and still 4 billion are achieved.

“The stocks exist or not, don’t forget that the main transmission in schools is in adults, finish the adults first. This is the reason parents do not allow their children to be vaccinated,” said dr. Dominicus.

Author: Icha Nur Imami Puspita

Editor : Khefti Al Mawalia (AC/AP)

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