Inaugurate new officials, Rector: Education must be relevant to future needs

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UNAIR Rector Prof. Nasih inaugurates the new officials. (Photo: Agus Irwanto)

UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga’s Rector Prof. Dr. Moh. Nasih has installed several new officials within UNAIR. Being inaugurated at Garuda Mukti Hall Campus C UNAIR, via Zoom on Wednesday, December 16, new officials consisting of Heads – Secretaries of Institutes and Centers, Vice Deans, Directors – Vice Director of Dental and Oral Hospital and Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Manager of Universitas Airlangga Hospital, Head of Dormitory, Heads – Secretaries of the Department, Program Coordinators, all of them followed the inauguration process solemnly until it is over.

On that occasion, Prof. Nasih started his remarks by expressing gratitude for the blessings that God gives. Moreover, in the midst of a pandemic that is not over yet, Prof. Nasih emphasized that good health they have until now is the greatest gift.

” Alhamdulillah, until now we are all still given good health, ” said Prof. Nasih.

Furthermore, to the inaugurated officials, Prof. Nasih also said that as new officials, extraordinary energy is needed, both physical and non-physical energy. According to him, the energy will make UNAIR even better for the next five years.

“This mandate is tough, but with commitment of all new leaders, I am sure it can be done and carried out well,” said Prof. Nasih.

In the end, Prof. Nasih also spoke about the idea of SMART University. In his opinion, there are five major values contained in the SMART University program. These values, he continued, will answer future challenges, including the rapid development of technology that will replace many human roles.

“This is the biggest challenge, to bring our next generation to win the competition,” he said.

In essence, said Prof. Nasih, education in the future must be relevant to the demands and challenges of the times. The relevance, according to him, is indeed very challenging.

“For that I hope everyone at the department and program level can optimize to provide education that has relevance and answer the demands and challenges of the future,” he concluded.

Author: Nuri Hermawan

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