The importance of multi-sectoral collaboration and partnerships in One Health

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Illustration by one health

UNAIR NEWS – As we all know, one health is a collaborative, multi-sectoral, and multidisciplinary approach where everyone involved can work at local, regional, national and global levels with the aim of achieving optimal health outcomes by recognizing the interconnection between people, animals and the environment. 

Multi-sectoral collaboration is the partnership of governments, non-profit organizations, the private sector, public organizations, community groups and individual community members to solve problems that affect the entire society. In OHSC UNAIR Batch 1 activity, September 19, Havan Yusuf, DVM, MSc., as the speaker said that multi-sectoral collaboration and partnerships can solve systemic problems.

“Like one whole tree, where there are symptoms, causes and the problems, systemic problems, we cannot heal just one part without treating the other parts, ”he said.

The main challenge in partnerships, he continued, is to have a context that is general enough to include collaboration components, while still being sufficiently applicable to certain specific contexts. Furthermore, he also emphasized that there will be various reasons why participants need to be adaptable and flexible to various contexts such as education, professional background, learning styles and interests, strategic focus of organizations, society, political and cultural contexts.

“An effective partnership is one that is in line with the context of all partners in the broadest sense,” he said.

Moreover, he continued, there are at least three levels to be involved in a partnership, a partnership as an individual, a partnership related to your organization and a partnership associated with an existing or new partnership. In practice, the value added of a partner is associated with a significant addition of value to the goals of the partnership. The strength and value of partnership will improve when all partners come with an attitude and focus more on giving than receiving, think about what contribution brought to the partnership and what we can do together than what I get.

“For example, a real example of multi-sectoral collaboration in the field of one health today is the handling of COVID-19. Many sectors involved in handling COVID-19 provide many new views on the importance of multi-sectoral collaboration, “he explained.

As for another example, he continued, as a campus community we should have implemented multi-sectoral collaboration through the higher education tri dharma, education and teaching, research and community service and development.

“Less me more we, we all hope that this collaboration can be realized so the concept of one health can be well understood by all elements in various sectors,” he concluded. (*)

Author: Muhammad Suryadiningrat

Editor: Nuri Hermawan

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