Rotavirus infection during diarrhea outbreaks among children in Indonesia

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Illustrations by Hello Sehat

Children are an asset to the future of the nation, thus their health should be the priority of parents ‘ attention. In Indonesia, the most widespread diseases infect children include malaria, diarrhea, and respiratory tract disorders. In comparison, diarrhea is a disease with the highest mortality rate of children. Diarrhea itself has a very diverse cause factor, and there are because of bacteria and viruses.

Sayangnya laporan atau penelitian tentang penyakit diare di Indonesia belum banyak tersedia. Kebanyakan subjek risetnya baru terbatas pada bakteri diare, sedangkan yang meneliti virus diare terbilang sangat sedikit. Penelitian Elsa Fitriana di Provinsi Lampung mengungkap, sebagian besar penyebab sakit diare pada anak adalah virus yang bernama Rotavirus. “Melalui pemeriksaan PCR (polymerase chain reaction), ditemukan 74,3% kasus diare pada anak di Lampung disebabkan oleh Rotavirus, bukan bakteri. Hasil pemeriksaan dengan PCR ini lebih akurat dibandingkan Rapid Tes dengan persentasi 55,4%.” 

Unfortunately, reports or research on diarrhea disease in Indonesia has not been widely available. Most of his research subjects are only limited to diarrhea bacteria while examining diarrhea viruses is very little. Elsa Fitriana’s research in Lampung province reveals, most of the cause of diarrhea pain in children is a virus called Rotavirus. “Through an examination of PCR (polymerase chain reaction), found 74.3% of cases of diarrhea in children in Lampung caused by Rotavirus, not bacteria. Test results with PCR are more accurate than the Rapid test, with a percentage of 55.4%. “

Rotavirus itself is a widespread type in the world as the cause of diarrhea in children with the highest mortality rate. Although the vaccine has been found and widely used, it is still entirely new in Indonesia. Some exciting things also revealed from the research on this Rotavirus is the number of cases of infections in boys turned out higher than in girls. Besides, children with less than two years of age also have the highest infection rate compared to the other children of the toddler, reaching a figure of 60% of the total case.

This case is likely to relate to the immune system in children’s bodies. Rotavirus will also affect the clinical condition. Children will potentially infect this Rotavirus up to five times a year. However, children with recurrent infections will produce better constraints on Rotavirus.

Diseases caused by either bacterial or viral infections do not only depend on the causal factor but also influenced by environmental factors. However, its unique in the case of Rotavirus infection in Lampung did not show a significant relationship with the socio-economic status of the patient’s family. This research conducted by Elsa Fitri Ana shows how high a case of Rotavirus infection is a severe problem that should get attention from all related parties. Writers: Elsa Fitri Ana, Rury Mega Wahyuni, Laura Navika Yamani, Zayyin Dinana, Devi Oktafiani, Ni Luh Ayu Megasari, Maria Inge Lusida, Juniastuti, Soetjipto Link: Paediatria Croatica. Vol. 63; No. 3; 2019. DOI:

Link terkait tulisan di atas: Paediatria Croatica. Vol. 63; No. 3; 2019.  DOI :

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