FKM UNAIR to host largest nutrition olympiad in Indonesia

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UNAIR NEWS – In 2020, Faculty of Public Health (FKM) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) was chosen to organize the largest nutrition olympiad in Indonesia. Nutrition olympiad is called Scifi Neutron ( Scientific and Education for Nutrition Student ). Scifi Neutron is a national-level nutrition olympiad held by the Student Nutrition Institute (ILMAGI).

Nutrition olympiad is held every year, but the venue is determined through mutual agreement and discussion between ILMAGI and universities under the auspices of ILMAGI. When interviewed by UNAIR NEWS team, Salsabila Meivitama Arsantiwho was the chief executive of the olympiad said that there were six categories of competition, poster competition, literature review, dietetic contest, essay, scientific writing competition (LKTI), and N2O. The final round will take place in March 2020.

Furthermore, Caca revealed that all competitions will be held at FKM UNAIR. The dietetic competition will be held in a nutrition laboratory consisting of a processing laboratory, presentation laboratory and organoleptic laboratory. In addition to the competition, there is also a National Nutrition Summit (NNS) which will be held in the Kahuripan Hall.

The nutrition student said that this year’s olympiad’s theme is The Role of Health Workers in the Prevention of Diabetes Mellitus Through Healthy Lifestyle in the Millennial Era. The theme was chosen because the organizing committee wanted to invite fellow students to be concerned about diabetes mellitus and adopt a healthy lifestyle to prevent the disease.

“We (the organizing committee, ed) chose the theme because we want to give and invite friends to be concerned about diabetes mellitus to prevent it through a healthy lifestyle that is easily applied in this millennial era,” she said on Saturday, January 11, 2020.

Then, the olympiad preparations have been made so that the activities can run smoothly. The committee has prepared various needs, facilities and infrastructure for the olympiad. In the closing, Caca hoped that the olympiad can run smoothly and hopefully from the event, Scifi Neutron, UNAIR will gain good reputation.

“This competition (Scifi Neutron, ed) hopefully will run smoothly and its holding at UNAIR for the first time will help to raise the name of UNAIR nutrition alma mater,” she said. (*)

Author: Dita Aulia Rahma

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia

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