UNAIR Expert Assesses Indonesian Nurse Career Dynamics After Placement Abroad

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Illustration by Feri Fenoria

UNAIR NEWS – Regarding to international nursing migration, Indonesia has become an exporter of nurses to developed countries, such as United Arab Emirates, the Netherlands, Kuwait, the United Kingdom, and Saudi Arabia which have been one of the recipient countries since the first migration in 1996. Regarding this matter, Ferry Efendi, S.Kep., Ns., M.Si., Ph. .D., as a lecturer at FKp UNAIR said the active recruitment of Indonesian nurses abroad was dominated by private recruiters and followed by the government.

“International nurse migration regulations based on bilateral agreements have developed through a government scheme that began with Japan and was followed by East Timor,” he said.

Furthermore, Generalization of widely publicized research on migration issue is facing a problem, not only in the Indonesian context but also on a global scale. Reverse migration is often discussed as a new strategy for getting brain gain. However, preliminary evidence suggests it can also cause brain waste.

“It seems clear that the research failed to understand various condition regarding to the situation. Thus, the public needs to understand various conditions among nurses after returning to the country under the labor migration scheme, “he said.

Therefore, Ferry and the team conducted the study to analyze Indonesian nurses after completing their work. The study used a descriptive research design to describe the ongoing work of nurses after returning to Indonesia.

Ferry emphasized that the career situation of nurses returning to Indonesia varies in the post-migration stage. Generally, nurses return to work as independent workers when they return to the labor market, while the rest work as private employees, Japanese translators, employees of Indonesian State-Owned Enterprises, hotel staff, insurance agents, and teachers.

“Nurses who choose not to return to work in nursing have reasons of poor working conditions, poor salary, lack of confidence in their nursing skills, unclear career paths or stalled career development, difficulties in finding nursing work, working in shifts, and many other things, “he said.

In the end, he explained the result of this study added new understanding and knowledge of nurses returning from migration that has not been explored. Nurse career situation after placement abroad, explained Ferry, the amount is similar between returning to work in the nursing and non-nursing fields.

“However, the phenomenon of brain waste is proven among nurses because more have worked outside nursing. This research observes that brain waste exists during the post-migration stage. , “he concluded. Author: Nuri Hermawan Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia Detail information: http://www.indianjournals.com/ijor.aspx?target=ijor:ijphrd&volume=10&issue=2&article=055 Ferry Efendi, Nursalam, Elida Ulfiana, Rista Fauziningtyas. 2019. ‘Situational Analysis of Career Choices among Indonesian Nurses Returnees. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development.

Author: Nuri Hermawan

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia

Full article available at:


Ferry Efendi, Nursalam, Elida Ulfiana, Rista Fauziningtyas. 2019. ‘Situational Analysis of Career Choices among Indonesian Nurses Returnees’. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development.

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