FKp Lecturer Invites Madura Community to Give Exclusive Breastfeeding

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Illustration by Feri Fenoria

UNAIR NEWS – Dr. Esti Yunitasari S.Kp., M. Kes., with two of her colleagues returned to carry out research while inviting the Madurese community to provide exclusive breastfeeding. According to her, exclusive breastfeeding is important during the first six months for the baby’s immune system.

“The impact of infants who are not exclusively breastfed is very vulnerable to various types of diseases as well as disruption of the development of cognitive intelligence,” he said.

The exclusive breastfeeding coverage rate in Sampang Regency was still far below the target. Only 35% of infants who get exclusive breastfeeding compared with the target of 75%.

“Mothers in Health Center of Sreseh Sampang area do not fully implement exclusive breastfeeding, only 24% of mothers give exclusive breastfeeding to their babies,” she said.

Furthermore, there are several factors of the low exclusive breastfeeding in Madura tribe. For example, mothers believe that breastfeeding is not enough to satisfy their babies.

“The culture of providing complementary foods ASI (MP – ASI) with bananas for the baby is arising in the community,” she added.

Furthermore, there is a relationship between community empowerment and exclusive breastfeeding. She explained that the better the community empowerment provided, there will be a higher rate of exclusive breastfeeding.

“Social and family support also plays an important role in exclusive breastfeeding because social and family functions as a support system for its members and are aimed at improving health and adaptation processes,” she said.

In the end, he emphasized that proper community empowerment could motivate mothers to breastfeed exclusively. The most important factor, she added, is culture that can influence breastfeeding.

“The hereditary culture of parents taught to children and the general culture prevailing in society makes breastfeeding not exclusive,” she concluded.

Author: Nuri Hermawan

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia

Detail information:

Esti Yunitasari, Hanifa Arsyita Umayro, Ika nur Pratiwi. 2019.Community Empowerment in the Madura Tribe with Exclusive Breastfeeding in the Working Area of Community Health Center Sreseh Sampang Madura. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development. Aug2019, Vol. 10 Issue 8.

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