TBM has potential to improve the community’s economy

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Illustration by Feri Fenoria

UNAIR NEWS – Community Reading Spot (TBM) is a small-scale library known as a reading corner, reading house, smart home, or other similar names. As an institution that promotes reading habits, TBM provides space for reading; discussion; writing; and other similar activities. It is an extension of formal educational institutions and public libraries to develop the surrounding community.

So far, TBM which is under the auspices of Surabaya City Library Office, has carried out many community empowerment programs, especially in children’s education through tutoring programs and community creative endeavors. Activities in TBM are not always directly related to collections; TBM also supports Small and Medium Enterprises (UKM) in the surrounding communities.

Based on the study conducted by Endang Fitriyah Mannan S. Sos., M. Hum., the development of TBM is not yet relevant to the needs of the surrounding community. “About 90 percent of existing UKM prove that the development of TBM is not yet relevant to the needs of the community to improve the economy. It was identified based on a survey of 14 TBMs, 12 of them had been given training, ” she said.

Regarding the professionalism of TBM personnel, the majority of TBM managers are High School (SMA / SMK) graduates who are given short training when TBM has the potential to develop the economy of the surrounding community through various programs that can be done.

The lecturer of UNAIR Library Science explained, to be able to develop it, ideally, TBM officers need basic education in the library field because competent human resources are expected to be able to develop TBM in accordance with their objectives. “The City Library should prioritize human resources as the main consideration when establishing TBM,” she said.

Data in the field showed that what TBM officers do only to open TBM; wait for visitors; and serve them. So they have almost no education and economic empowerment program in developing TBM. Meanwhile, data showed that as much as 50% of TBM has a room that is not comfortable enough for a place to study.

Empowerment programs are not only done by providing collections but also providing a place for discussion and exchange of ideas for training purposes. Moreover, TBM has not been facilitated by computers and Wi-Fi connections. “But actually, most TBMs in Surabaya do not have facilities like this,” she explained.

However, TBM is experimenting with several programs related to empowerment such as learning; children’s collective crafts; incidental program; and informal training includes working with local NGOs or UKMs. (*)

Author: Erika EightNovanty

Editor: Nuri Hermawan

Reference : Anna, N. E. V., Mannan, E. F., Srirahayu, D. P. (2019) Evaluation of the Role of Society-based Library in Empowering Surabaya City People, Public Library Quarterly.

Link : https://www.researchgate.net/publication/333227148_Evaluation_of_the_Role_of_Society-Based_Library_in_Empowering_Surabaya_City_People

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