Tips for Getting into International Conference from Unair Alumna, the TAF English Manager

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ANNISA Rochma Sari during TAF English event (Photo: By courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – Annisa Rochma Sari is the alumna of English Department Universitas Airlangga class 2013. She currently has a responsibility as a partnership manager in TAF English (an English course).

When she was in college, she often attended International Conference abroad such as First Asia Undergraduate Summit-NUS in Singapore in 2015 and Study and Visit Japan – Okayama University x ASEAN University Network in 2016.

Furthermore, she also had the chance to join 3rd Annual Students Conference on Humanities and Social Studies – Zaman University in Cambodia in 2016 and YSEALI Tech Camp Bangkok: Promoting Peace through Technology di Thailand in 2017. Here are some tips from Annisa:

Find the passion for writing a good paper and based it on the theme

“When you have the passion, we will keep learning about the trending issues, and it will trigger us to update the information,” Annisa said.

According to her, to find our passion, we should join the conference which matches our interest because it will bring more excitement to keep updating information and being passionate about writing automatically.

For example, when she was in college, she was interested in media and culture. Therefore, she frequently joined activities she likes to upgrade the information since understanding the trending issues is the important thing to join an international conference.

Always re-checking the paper

The second tip, she recommends to always re-check the paper or abstract to be submitted. There are many ways to do it, such as by discussing it with a lecturer, senior, and experts in a scientific forum, and we can also visit the online journal.

Never Give Up

The mental will be honed well when someone strives to qualify for an international conference. According to her, to get into an international conference is not easy, she has failed for several times in joining the international conferences.

International conference is not only about accepted or unaccepted paper, but there are also other difficulties such as the lower scores of TOEFL, the cost to spend and incorrect motivation letter.

“Don’t lose hope when our goals did not come true, if the goals are too big, just try the small goals as steps to reach our big goals,” Annisa said.

When your paper is unaccepted in an international conference, do not lose hope, keep improving the paper writing skills. It can be upgrading the theme and learning from experts who join in the fields we interested in.

“For example, I took media and cultural studies. I always updated the information the lecturer in media and cultural studies in Australia campuses. Sometimes I connected through email or discussed in person when we meet in a campus event,” Annisa explained.

Author: Galuh Mega Kurnia

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia

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