A Year of Service, Here are the Achievements from 2018 BEM UNAIR

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UNAIR NEWS - The official management of 2018 UNAIR Student Executive Board (BEM) closed on Sunday, March 3. After serving for one year, following the most impressive achievements of each ministry.

Airlangga Bineka Festival (FBA), Ministry of External Relations (Hublu)

FBA is a cultural work program held by BEM UNAIR in collaboration with Forsida. In the event, each regional student organization (ormada) in UNAIR was given the opportunity to showcase their culture. In addition, Letto and Lobito Phawak were there to enliven the event.

“By holding FBA, we want to socialize to students that we are all from different regions in Indonesia and showed the community that UNAIR are maintaining and continuing to socialize regional culture,” explained Dani Gadang, Minister of Foreign Affairs.

KM Menilai, Ministry of Real Quality Assurance (PNM)

KM Menilai is online survey for all UNAIR students. The activity carried out by PNM aims to find out the students opinion regarding to previous workshop held by BEM, BEM activities selected by student, as well as criticisms and suggestions. The survey, which was accessed by respondents from all faculties in UNAIR, will be used as an evaluation material for BEM UNAIR.

“Facing the fluctuating dynamics at BEM UNAIR has made Ministry of PNM better,” said Rosita, Minister of PNM.

Amerta, Ministry of HRM (Human Resource Management)

Amerta became the biggest achievement for Ministry Of HRM because in this activity, BEM succeeded in collaborating with all faculties in new student formation of character building process at university, faculty or department level.

“Several parties contributed to Amerta because we are responsible for the new generation in UNAIR,” explained Vigo, minister of human resources management.

Relation & Synergy between BEM and Faculties Becomes Better, Internal Campus (Inkam)

According to Qibti, Ministry of Inkam said that a good relation and synergy with all faculties in UNAIR was the biggest achievement for them. Compared to last year, this year the faculty representative often attended inkam forums, forbes and listening rooms.

Kominfo Class, Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo)

This year, Kominfo Class accommodated student interests and talents related to personal branding on social media. Ministry of Communication and Information invited national public figures, Alika Islam Madina.

Diplomatic Action and Literacy Space for Students, Ministry of Social Politics (Sospol)

As Ministry of Social Politics, guarding public policies established by campus, regional and national leaders are their main tasks. For this reason, Ministry of Social Politics held diplomatic actions several times such as solidarity actions after Surabaya bombing and DPRD issue regarding to rupiah weakens in exchange rate. In addition, according to Bobby, literacy spaces for reading parks, bulletins and weekly opinions of Airlangga knights need to be maximized.

“Literacy is the basis for student movement,” Bobby said.

Enhancing Women’s Communication Skills, Ministry of Women’s Empowerment (PP)

This year, Ministry of PP focuses on public speaking. Some of the facilities provided by them were routine reviews of women’s issues, Airlangga’s women, Beautyversiti, Women Hero and Srikandi Airlangga.

“We are trying to train communication skills for women,” Zuama said.

Community Quality Improvement Movement with Literacy, Ministry of Community Service (Pengmas)

According to Satria Aji, Minister of Community Service, the dedication to improve literacy culture to the community needs to be introduced. Some work programs were reading cart and library in assisted village.

“In addition, we also collaborated with communities and foundations outside UNAIR. One form of collaboration that was rarely found in other organizations, “said Aji.

Speed ​​and Accuracy of Administrative Completion, Cabinet Secretary (Seskab)

According to Yuda, Minister of Seskab of BEM UNAIR, there was no complain related to letter and administrative division. In this period, Yuda said that every documents should be signed in one day.

“We are working to improve the speed and accuracy of administrative settlement” said Yuda.

Transparency and Financial Accountability, Ministry of Finance

The effort of financial transparency and accountability according to Opik, Minister of Finance, was one of the achievements that have been achieved by us. In fact, we upload our financial reports every month on BEM UNAIR social media.

“In the end, we have also uploaded financial reports that were more presentable,” Opik said.

Exceeding the Success Measurement, Ministry of PPK

Jemmi Wahyu Santoso, Minister of PPK, who is familiarly called Jemmi explained that the biggest achievement was all of the work programs carried out successfully exceeded the success measurement. Woking with director general and staff was also the most memorable thing for him.

AAYCCP 2.0, Ministry of Science

In scientific field, Airlangga ASEAN + 3 Youth Conference and Cultural Program (AAYCCP) 2.0 work program was the biggest achievement for BEM. The work program carried out by Ministry of Scientific with Inas Pramitha and collaborated with Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

There were around ninety delegates in the event. The delegations came from Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, India, Pakistan, Madagascar, Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, Brunei Darussalam, Pakistan, Myanmar, China, Malaysia, Philippines, Syria, Tanzania, Rwanda, Madagascar, Cambodian, Myanmar, Vietnam, Ethiopia, Gambia, and Tanzania.


Author: Galuh Mega Kurnia

Editor: Nuri Hermawan


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