Story of UNAIR Student Becomes Waqf Campus Ambassador in East Java

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UNAIR NEWS – The student from Lombok looked happy when UNAIR NEWS team asked his story as the winner of Waqf Campus Ambassador Competition for awhile ago. The achievement of the man who was born on December 31, 1999 was in line his work on waqf management at Universitas Airlangga.

Regarding to waqf, UNAIR recorded history on Thursday (August 23, 2018). Indonesian Waqf Board (BWI) issued a decree on the approval of waqf management to UNAIR in Jakarta. More precisely through UNAIR Center for Social Fund Management (PUSPAS). That was the agreement made UNAIR as the first university and the only one of waqf manager.

Moreover, The achievement was made from one of UNAIR students as Waqf Campus Ambassador on men’s category is Sinto. Faculty of Law UNAIR student succeeded in defeating several university representatives, both state and private university, the event held by East Java Indonesian Waqf Board (BWI).

Sinto said there were hundreds of participants who competed in this event. For example Universitas Negeri Malang (UM), Universitas Islam Negeri Surabaya (UINSA), Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Tulungagung, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo (UMS), also Universitas Internasional Semen Gresik Indonesia (UISI).

“This activity (Waqf Ambassador Campus in East Java 2018 Competition, ed) was held in late 2018 in four days, which started from 13 to 16 November 2018.” he said.

Regarding the selection stage, based on the administration, 20 finalists were selected to the next phase, ten boys and girls. Then, twenty finalists were quarantined and to become a waqf ambassador. Especially in order to socialize the importance of waqf throughout Indonesia.

“The quarantine activity was located at Haji Sukolilo Dormitory in Surabaya, facilitated by BWI Center,” he said.

Quoting BWI Commissioner Soesono on his speech, Sinto explained that Waqf Campus Ambassador 2018 competition was intended not only to attract waqf activists, but also to build research on waqf in Indonesia. Especially in East Java.

“During the top five selection process, we (participants, ed) got a lot of knowledge. Such as:  waqf productivity, public speaking, and beauty class, “he said.

Sinto said that on the selection process also displayed participant’s talent. There were some student showed their dance, vocals, poetry, and martial arts performance.

“I showed my talent on Tapak Suci martial arts. Moreover, he is also active as a martial arts athlete in Tapak Suci UKM UNAIR.” said Sinto when asked about his appearance on the competition.

Before the announcement of first place winner, all contestants showed their achievements on Waqf Goes To Campus activities at Amerta Room, 4th Floor, Campus C. Furthermore, the participants performed Via Vallen song, Meraih Bintang. In the end, top five finalists to compete for the first, second and third place winner was held at UINSA Theater Building on November 16, 2018.

Sinto said that he was very grateful for the achievement. He did not expect to become the winner. Given, many participants came from Islamic economics study programs. However, Sinto believes in his effort and confident while joining these activities.

After being selected, Sinto admitted that he will give the money to his parents and also to pay his tuition fees. In addition, currently he is active campaigning waqf in East Java in PDSM (human resource development). (*)


Author: Feri Fenoria

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