Recently established, Department of Basic Nursing accelerates research and community service

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INC Faculty of Nursing attended by all basic nursing lecturers. (Photo: By courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS - In December 2020, the Department of Basic Nursing was officially established. It marked the change of monoprogram to multi- program system for Faculty of Nursing (FKP) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR). As Head of…

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Headed for Majene directly, RSTKA treats 35 patients and performs 7 operations

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Tim RSTKA saat melakukan operasi di Majene, Sulawesi Barat. (Foto: Rizki Kurniawan)

UNAIR NEWS - Ksatria Airlangga Floating Hospital (RSTKA) finally arrived in Majene, West Sulawesi, on Saturday, January 23, 2021. RSTKA had decided to set sail to Majene considering equal distribution of services…

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Department of Nursing to establish new program and improve international partnerships

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Faculty of Nursing academic community after community service activities. (Photo: By courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS - At the end of previous year, Faculty of Nursing (FKp) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) reformed its structures from three departments into two departments, Advanced Nursing and Basic Nursing. As Head of the…

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Developing hand sanitizers from shrimp shell, three FPK students win second place

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FROM the left, Arief, Reza, and Anastasya. (Photo: By courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS - Universitas Airlangga continues to make national achievements through its students. This time, three students of UNAIR Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPK) made second place nationally in the…

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First place nationally, two FPK students introduce their marine cleanliness detection device

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REZA and Yolandha present ATLANTIS to the judges through Zoom Conference. (Photo: By courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS - Water pollution in Indonesia is getting more alarming. The accumulating plastic waste has discouraged tourists from going to the beach. The accumulation of garbage and heavy metals in coastal areas…

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