Identify Your Talent and Interest

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UNAIR NEWS – Interest and talent are two things that are often too late to realize. In fact, both should be considered in planning the future, including when choosing a major. What are their characteristics?

According to Dr. Wiwin Hendriani S.Psi., M.Si., a lecturer at Faculty of Psychology (FPsi) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR), talent is the potential or special innate ability possessed by someone.

One way to identify it, pay attention to your daily activities. Then, feel which areas of activity have shown consistent best results most times.

Then ask other people, parents, siblings, friends that you know well to reinforce what you feel.

“We are like a reflection. Where do we perform best? For example, students, which subjects have the best results? And, it’s consistent (the result), most times, ” she said.

Meanwhile, interest is desire, a strong feeling for something. Things that are preferred or enthusiastic about. Interest is shown by some more perceptible reactions.

For example, when you feel at home when doing something for a long time, enjoy every process of it, or have the initiative to continue to explore or seek information about it.

“For example, as a student, I really don’t like statistics books. As for the personality test book, I can read it for a long time, do I like it? That’s the hint, when we interact with something for a long time and we have the initiative to continue to explore it, ” she said.

“The composition of interest and talent of someone must be balanced. Talent without interest, it is not optimal for people to achieve career success. Interest without sufficient talent, it will not be optimal as well,” added Dr. Wiwin.

Read also:
Interest and talent should be considered for choosing major at college

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