FKM Transfer Student in Waste Management and Suroboyo Bus Introduction

Twelve students from Faculty of Public Health (FKM) Universitas Airlangga held field work practices (PKL) in Ampel Village, Semampir District Surabaya. The activities in Santri Taat program (Protected Sanitation, Healthy Enviroment) held on January 2, 2019 until January 5, 2019.

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Surabaya Class I Immigration Office Disseminates Immigration Regulations in UNAIR

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Ragil Putra Dewa as Head of Information Division of Surabaya Class I Immigration during presentation. (Photo: Nuri Hermawan)

Surabaya Class I Immigration Office with Airlangga Global Engagement (AGE) UNAIR conducted a dissemination on Immigration information.

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Questioning No Suramadu Bridge Toll Fee towards Madura Economy

The new policy which announced by President Joko Widodo on October 27 regarding about no more toll fee for Suramadu Bridge attract a lot of opinions. The purpose of this new policy is considered as an excellent first step to improve Madura economy and people's welfare.

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Pharmacy Students Work Named among TOP 10 Best Research Posters at 11th iMPaCHS Malaysia

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Poster Competition Research Team at the 11th International Medical, Pharmaceutical, Cosmeceutical and Health Science Symposium (iMPaCHS) Management and Science University, Malaysia, December 13. (Photo: By Courtesy)

Three students from UNAIR Faculty of Pharmacy, Tri Wahyudi, Fakhriyah Dinina, and Faatihatul Alifiyah have made an achievement in 11 th International Medical, Pharmaceutical, Cosmeceutical, and Health Science Symposium (iMPaCHS) Management and Science University, Malaysia, on Thursday, December 13. 

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UNAIR Rector Co-Chairs Meeting Between Western Australia and East Java

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UNAIR Rector Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih SE., MT, Ak., CMA., (second from the right) as Co-Chair at Sister State Joint Working Group Meeting of Western Australia-East Java in Perth on Monday (10/12). (Photo: By courtesy)

Universitas Airlangga continues to establish international collaboration and cooperation with the best universities, as well as governments in in Asia, Europe, Middle East, and Australia. One of them was between UNAIR with East Java government and Western Australia in early December 2018.

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Improving Publication, FKp Invites Professor from University of Edinburgh, Scotland

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PROF. Gramae Drummond Smith RN. BA FEANS PhD from University of Edinburgh, Scotland, while giving a presentation about "Reworking Manuscript For Publication Workshop" in 2nd Meeting Room, Faculty of Nursing Universitas Airlangga on Thursday 6 December. (Photo: Khefti Al Mawalia)

Scientific publications of international journals are an opportunity to get awards and build cooperation between domestic and foreign universities. Minister of Finance Regulation No. 46/2013 and Minister of Finance Regulation No. 17/2013 for Lecturers,

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