FST UNAIR Student Innovations Win 6 Medals in Thailand

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Six UNAIR FST students with their supervisor Dr. Rimulyo Hendardi (center) after receiving an award at Malaysia-Indonesia-Thailand on Innovative & Creativity Symposium 2019. (Photo: Private Collection)

UNAIR NEWS - Six students of Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) has won six medals in Malaysia-Indonesia-Thailand on Innovative & Creativity Symposium 2019 (iMIT SIC 2019).…

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FKM UNAIR Successfully Increases the Accreditation of National Scientific Journal

The target of 500 best universities carried out by Universitas Airlangga encourages all faculties to increase journal publications and accreditation, especially for Scopus indexed journals. In 2019, FKM UNAIR succeeded in increasing the accreditation of national scientific journals issued by (Kemenristek Dikti).

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Three UNAIR Staffs Develops AICMS Financial System Innovations

As a response to the advancing technological developments, all working aspects of Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) are intensively developing new innovations to improve the existing service system. UNAIR Directorate of Finance was no exception, which sparked AICMS innovation some time ago.

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Ambassador of China Explores Collaboration with UNAIR

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Ambassador of China at UNAIR Rector Meeting Room 4th Floor, Management Office Campus C UNAIR. (Photo: Umar Fanani)

Huang Xilian, Ambassador of China to ASEAN collaborated with Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) on Thursday April 11 at Rector Meeting Room 4th Floor,  Management Office Campus C UNAIR. There was collaboration to strengthen relations between ASEAN countries.

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