Understanding “OPPORTUNITY” in Entrepreneurial Mindset

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UNAIR NEWS – The Center for Career Development, Entrepreneurship, and Alumni Affairs (PPKKHA) Universitas Airlangga ( UNAIR ) held another entrepreneurship seminar on Career Challenges in the Middle of a Pandemic, Tuesday, October 6, 2020. One of the speakers in the online discussion via Zoom was Prof. Dr. Elly Munadziroh, drg., MS, Head of PPKHA UNAIR. She explained how to have a mindset or way of thinking and passion like an entrepreneur.

Opening with a presentation on the definition of entrepreneur, Prof. Elly said that entrepreneurs are people who like changes by finding different ideas from other people that create added value and are able to improve the welfare of other individuals. Quoting the words of Ir. Ciputra, an entrepreneur is someone who can turn dirt and wreckage into gold.

“People who see a difficult thing become a challenge, that’s an entrepreneurThey don’t have to have a big product or business, ” she explained.

Prof. Dr. Elly Munadziroh, drg., MS, explains about entrepreneurship in a seminar organized by PPKKHA UNAIR on Tuesday, October 6, 2020. (Photo: By courtesy)

Furthermore, the Professor of Faculty of Dental Medicine UNAIR mentioned some mental characteristics that an entrepreneur must haveSome of them are having a creative entrepreneurial mindset, being able to see opportunities, having the courage to take risks, having high resilience, having a vision for the future, and striving to give the best.

“Start small, from now on, from ourselves and don’t give up when you fail. That is the main mindset to become an entrepreneur, ” she added.

Furthermore, Prof. Elly explained that an entrepreneur must be able to see the “OPPORTUNITY”. It is “PELUANG” in Indonesian consisting letters that define itself, ‘P’ means ‘perhatikan sekeliling’ (look around); ‘E’ means ‘evaluasi kekuatan diri’ (evaluate strength); ‘L’ means ‘lihat perkembangan’ (observe development); ‘U’ means ‘ubah yang ada dengan melakukan modifikasi’ (change the existing through modification); ‘A ’ means ‘antisipasi perubahan’ (anticipate changes); ‘N’ means ‘nomor satukan pelanggan’ (put the customers first); and ‘G’ means ‘gerakkan pasar’ (develop the market).

“Look at every opportunity well. When you go to the mall, don’t always think about what you want to buy, but think about what you can sell. There must be creative ideas!” she said.

At the end of the session, Prof. Elly mentioned several promising forms and business opportunities to be implemented during the pandemic season. Some of these opportunities are online sales businesses, mask making businesses, home schooling services, frozen food businesses, content writers, hydroponics, health and skin care products, and other business. (*)

Author: Nikmatus Sholikhah

Editor: Feri Fenoria

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